Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 2

17 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Okay, back in to it, damn, forgot I'm in a zone where i cant autoplot, righto then, first jump, 94 lyr, cool start to the day. Destiny's ready to go, a tf and a ww (water world). this is an ok start,  2 scans completed nice and close, sheesh, haven't even had my first coffee yet. this is where i go brb isn't it, are you even listening?
A few more jumps, nothing yet oh well, at least the coffees good. another system, another hm-tf x 2, not exactly a pay day but at least i can afford a new bucket now. next jump produces a ww as well, nothin else. why is it when you fss a target, its always behind you, Anacondas take ages to hang a u turn, what's with that. hmmmm, jump options scarce, o there's why, I am to high, better head back down to zero plane then. seems like every mans asp has been out here, nothing first discovered out here and I'm still 32000 lyr from the bubble. another system with 2 hm-tf's, come on man, give me something nice, haven't even seen a ringed anything yet. a hm-tf and 2 ww's doesn't help..... much, but I'll take it. Next!!

So i made it through the void without having to double back at all, wasn't that hard once i got to the right height in the plane, several jumponium's were required but that was never going to be an issue anyways. now able to plot a jump a system 740 lyr away... finally, took ages but o well, she's an old girl now, good ol Destiny... first jump, 1 hm tf, and hello... 4 water worlds, 2 tritium's spots, plenty landable,s, with geo-locales, even polonium, this is a good system, yep, gotta let the carrier know, comm's sent, now to continue checking for goodies.

Great, have to stop and shutdown, the old girl requires a server update, wont take long, i hope

An hour goes by, update done, all is well with the universe, time to get moving. 3 systems later, another pair of pre discovered ww's and yet another hm-tf 220 thousand light seconds into the black, must be time for another coffee, minimum goal of 10 mill a day target met, but gotta make an additional 4 for yesterday, the show must go on, yeah, its a hard life sitting here on my asp watching autopilot do all the work, spose somebody's gotta do it.

timers running out, an hour to go, 120 jumps to destination, nope, not gunna make it. oh dear, how sad, too bad

another hours gone, not much found but another pair of single tritium spot for the carrier to fuel up on. times up, bunk time, last leg plotted, nite
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