Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 3

18 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Got a bit going on here, slept in to start, got up, coffeed up with shot of whiskey for good measure, located bucket, seriously needed that now, really gotta get the toilet fixed aye, bit stormy orbiting this k class, think its trying to get me aye. gotta do some repairs first up and then wait for the bgs to update so i plant Destiny in orbit around an outdoor world in this system, nice view, i could live here, but no, gotta seed the path for the carrier, nabbed a hm-tf while waiting.

An hour later, after couple ww's and hm-tf's I jump into a system class k and immediately start cooking, this guy is huge and jump in was way to close for my liking, glad i hadn't bothered to dress yet, i mean, why bother, nobody's here to see. so i look around, not a lot here, nobody's been here, and to top it of, 3 hm tf's 70ls away, just enough time to pull on me Levi's and make another cuppa. perfect start. photos done, scans done, maps done,  7 seconds my ass, seemed like ages getting close for the mapping, someone needs to teach these engineers about time, geez, i dunno

o look, i got my thousand from Felecia winters, o wow, half the price of a cup of coffee, yea, im um... rich again? yea naaa

Next!!!... wonder what that might be... nuthin, nuthin, nuthin... wait, possible tritium rings, better check it out, ya just neva know, yea, just a single tritium, nuthin special

did ya ever wonder why supercruise assist slows ya down, damn annoying huh, who do i complain to, who really cares

So there's a bunch of browns out here, i don't like em much, my tanks only good for 4 jumps, 1 slip up could lead to a very long wait, will need more than just the one bucket on board, might go to the 2000 dollar shop and grab a couple of spares now that i think about it, cant be to careful and sticking my aspx out the hatch... yea well... you figure it out....

another 12 jumps of nuthin, 3 jumps to go and nuthin but another ww and an icy ring to check out, probably another nuthin... ahh well, was worth a shot

1 jump left, time to switch modes to economical, drop of useless types and find what I'm looking for, that and another cup of coffee and dry... yeup, its that time

Local search starting off ok scan wise but I'm not here for that am i, gotta keep the dollar signs outa my eyeballs, and focus. just the one triple is all i need. Found a few singles so far, not looking good for what I'm after, but continuing search. there are many ww's here but not much else.
O well then, time to call it is night, mission is only a minor success, resources for, just not in the desired quantity but enough to keep us alive and yea, whatever. Last jump finished like the first, 5 hm tf's and a ww. yep, no complaints ere

Good night cruel world its over,.... walk on by
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