Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 4

19 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Good morning campers, is it morning? does day even exist in this perpetual night? what is the time i wonder, does anyone even care... does time even exist out here, do I even exist out here? do you even exist? are you even reading this, is it making sense or are you just imagining that your are reading the rantings of an explorer that doesn't exist, in a galaxy that doesn't exist, where time may not exist at 05:30 am in a time zone that cant exist since there is no planet out there to base time on right now. do planets even exist? who am I really? i could go on. and on, and on but there simply isn't enough....time.....

So.... if ya haven't read my bio, I am Commander Milo D Catt, I pilot an old Anaconda called Destiny, as if you hadn't figured that out yet, she's a good old girl, yes... SHE, and she complains about as much as my wife, which is great, as I don't have one. here, right now, this minute,... Ok, I do... somewhere.
In the last 2 1/2 years she, Destiny, has gotten me to all 4 um, corners?... of the galaxy within her reach on a 41ly range. now on a 77 lyr range we are doing it again... eventually, but right now, we are on a mission. her hobbies include chewing through the fuel, saying "System Scan Complete", belly flopping, and saying "Temperature Critical". to which all generate my hobby which apparently is saying "Ahh Shut The Frak Up"... while generally she is a good girl, she has developed one rather minor bad habit, she tends to find it funny to drop out of supercruise right behind some poor unsuspecting sucker and ram them up the rear end. while this has even amused me, i have learned not to have a coffee in my hand when she does this . I have yet to determine if this is some form of mating ritual... we will see. i just deduct the fines from her maintenance budget, what's left of it anyways... there's been a few deductions... quite a few.

Me!... ahh yes, me... I am a GreyBeard and damned proud of it, only missing the grey beard is all. although i do play well with others, i am most at home when I'm not... with others that is, prefer to be out in the black, searching for that which has not yet been found. exploration is my thing, kinda explains why some say I'm a little crazy... i added the little on purpose. Not married, was, but not any more, sorta, 20 bucks on eBay took care of that problem, those Thargoids will buy anything.... suckers, and they had the cheek to offer a million to take her back. we actually won that war, they just abandoned and ran, never figured out why.... strange huh. My old mans an ancient, seriously, no-one in this galaxy looked older than him, i suspect he 's older than time... hmmm, time, lets just not go there aye. couldn't sell him, Thargoids said they don't trust me, dunno why, should've tried selling him first i suspect... live n learn. I have two beautiful daughters, smart too, they put themselves on eBay, sold straight away, 20 bucks each they tell me, Thargoids deny all knowledge of this though, getting a little suspicious here, cause they are still around.
I have a cat... named Lilo... he kinda acquired that name, likes sleeping on the dashboard in front of me here, I'm not tall, cant see over him, LIE LOW FOR FRAKS SAKE... geez.... who put that sun there? and i am NOT short so don't even think it
My hobbies.... hmmm, not in any particular order, scanning, scanning, scanning, scanning, honking, scanning, saying  "Ahh Shut The Frak Up" and saying "LIE LOW FOR FRAKS SAKE". that and exploring, underground, on ground, above ground, way above ground, way way above ground, way way way... ahh, you get the picture. I also enjoy scanning.

o wait... this is a flight log... got me new orders, 6500 odd light tears to destination, now to pop in to the carrier for a restock, freshen up, cash up, etc. frakin great... toilets occupied... bloody ell. worse still, its morning, damn bars closed. sorry bout the door mon capitaan.

Better get outta ere...

So that's a little about me, Milo, so you can see, I'm not crazy like they say, just another pilot out in the black living off coffee and a prayer LIE LOW FOR FRAK'S SAKE... geeez cat, where was I. Ok so in the time it took me to do this little bio i have covered 1500 lyr's, made 3 coffees, spilt 2 coffees, one on me and one on the dashboard, lost 1 cat, strange, I thought he liked coffee, got up close and personal with one sun, cat and coffee vanished around the same time, found 4 ww's, 2 hm-tf's, and 1 tritium spot... this is not a good start to the day, think I'll go get dressed for a change.

Coffees up, time to fly. scanning, nothing, scanning, nothing, I'm so not not getting paid today. did find a half decent triple tritium ring though. yea yea, temperature critical, i know. oh look, is that a buffet i see on the scanner... bah, not quite, an ammonia world disguised as a outdoor world beside another ammonia world and a water world, better go map em, cuz I gutza get paid.

Scans done, all reasonably close, and we are walking.... this way.

Only 4300 lyr to go, not making good time here, to many scans, not enough results

O crap... a neutron, O good... a neutron, just like that, 299 lyr jump, 4000 lyr to go. Next. System fulla rings, none of em icy, 4 metal riches 3 hm-tf's, 2 suns, 1 I'm outa here. Next. gotta pee, where my bucket gone. O crap, anyone wanna buy a cat...

Another bunch of systems fulla nuthin useful, couple ww's scanned, no icy's, wait, 1 icy, 1 spot, better than nuthin, next, next, next, Hello!!! 42 object, 6 rings, 2 ww's, 1 hm tf, 0 icy's.... damn... looked promising, but not, next, of coarse i took the maps, jus don't tell the boss is all. great, Lilo's washin his face... on the dash.... in my FRAKKIN FACE. FINE... oh fine.... next. Thanks cat, didn't see that coming, another neutron, not much here, 2 metal ringed gassies, next. What is this, a frakin neutron highway or something, this one even tried to grab me, haha.... never... again that is, next. Class k fulla nothing, next, Did ya know... jumping out while scooping is a very good way to get very warm very quick and a very easy way to remove a very annoying cat STILL washing himself... of the dashboard. learn something new every day huh. Great... abandon ship... he's hungry, o crap, his foods on the carrier, next. cool, no cat, now i can see its a neutron. and another, neutron hunters appeared to have missed these two, next. couple ww's mapped, next. 14 jumps to destination, could do it in 12 minutes but the hunt is still on... And the cat is still for sale. Next, Holy frak, its a gassy convention, a dozen, even my aspx couldn't compete with this much gas, but... do they have what I'm looking for? yep, we have a winner. just average but better than nothing. Next, couple more ww's, hm tf's and an outdoor earth like world (elw). 6 jumps left, 1 more neutron with a hm tf and then end of the line.

Time to put the cat out and get some sleep, hope its not to cold outside.

Till the next shift, in.... time!!
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︎2 Shiny!
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