Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 5

20 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Of coarse I didn't put the cat out... what you think i am? an animal?

and we're jumping..... this way

had a dream ya know, was weird, dreamt I was no where near where I was supposed to be.... woke up with a fright, got on the wireless with the capitaan, ... whew, just a dream, thank cravis.

Electrical repairs done, star map running, coffee brewing, Lilo's on the... oh for crying out loud, will you please lie down.... righto, coffees ready, where's my whisky?

Standing orders: find fuel,... Hiho hiho, a scouting we will go. 5 jumps later a ww gets mapped, couple of class b's with satellites, nothing worth scanning, pretty tho. mmmm, that coffee was good, need another. got a bunch of k's down ere, lets see what they got, again, nuthin. next, a k class, well well, what have we got here, a water and 5 high metal terraformable's in a row, look Lilo, we get to eat again, twenty five thousand for a decent bottle of whisky, geez, what's the galaxy coming to...

Did ya hear the news on the wireless, the Borg have abandoned their attack on earth,... Apparently, they are afraid of corona virus, 7 of mine, overheard it when they all turned around, so much for my plans to send my wife there, hmmm... maybe they heard about that, guess we'll never know. Oh yea, the wife came back, the Thargoids, sold her to some fulla in the Star Alliance, i heard we won that war too, they kicked her out, dunno why.... man she can talk... and talk, and talk an talk an talk... she at my house now, is ok, im selling it too.
Still searching through these k's, its just not happening for me tonight. or is it day? hell, i dunno anymore... got a couple of icy's here to check out, around class 1 giants, not confident, at all, but, got a single hotspot, its a start. what about the other? hmmm,... 2 spots, separate tho, close but no cigar. lets look at this neighboring k system, yeanaaaa. next etc...

So i gotta stop to do sum maintenance now, Destiny's just not performing quite right, gotta look after the old girl, she's good to me... deserves it she does, gonna pop her down planet-side nice and close to a sun, give her a break for a few hours. is there where i go brb? or just quietly sneak away.
Its a nice spot here, 2 g rock, metal rich, close to this k class, time to get some work done. powered down, surprised Lilo, he looks funny trying to move around in this gravity, wonder what's going through his head right now although, he doesn't look to concerned, probably thinks he needs to loose weight... well he does heh heh. these an ammonia world here, may go scan it later, for now, some repairs, where's my spanner? hmmm that doesn't look good, is duct tape air tight? wonder if the belly flop did that?
Repairs done, liftoff not so smooth though, think i may have been snagged on landing, forgot to check... ooops. that bottle of jack probably didn't help, the ammonia world's quite pretty in this light, lets go check it out Lilo. Now back to system hopping, still looking for that elusive joined double or triple, need to hurry, I'm sure the carrier will be heading this way soon. Ahh dammit.... I've been here already, why didn't i check..... Another ammonia and hm-tf here, 2 icy's with rings that are icy, hmm. ya know, i don't even know if its possible for them to have what I'm looking for, ah well, leave no rock unturned i spose. turns out icy planet rings do have the fuel i am looking for, a double even. good to know.

Continuing as before, many scans made, a few trit's, a few tf's, a few ww's, nothing spectacular yet, aint giving up though. Destiny's back to her optimal operating condition and the duct tapes holding well, i was loosing quite a bit of oxygen earlier. I notice Lilo is helping by leaning up against the duct tape, holding it in place for me, he's such a good boy really, has been there for hours now. gotta be getting hungry by now!

Found a neutron, using it to jump out 300 lyr and plot a economical way back, different tack i know but as you may have figured out by now, so am i. hmmm, Lilo still holding that duct tape in place, wondering now if he's become attached to it. nice, a 36 jump route. and we're walking.... this way. A few more hm-tf's found, a few more ww's as well, an icy ring with 3 spots on it for fuel, we are looking a bit better, but what shows up now, i have never seen, this is a gas giant, class 3, and it pink, proper pastel pink, cant believe my eyes, sending a photo to mon capitaan, eyes are fine, its either definitely pink or BOTH our eyes are screwed, i so gotta get outa here, seen it all now. continuing on, 30 jumps to go, nothing at all to scan, with 12 jumps left, have a icy ring to checkout, as expected, nothing useful, 5 more jumps and I get to jump in between a class k and class l suns, temperature rocketed to 152 degrees, Lilo jumped of the duct tape with an almighty screech and hiss, no, just the screech, oh, the hiss is coming through the duct tape. gotta get that fixed.... poor cat. yep, gonna check this ring. nada.... sorry kitty. Next. nothing more to report for this shift.

Destiny still has a leak, im outta duct tape, the cat is not talking to me, low on coffee, no whisky left, frakin love it. good night cruel world..... it aint over yet
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