Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 7

22 Jun 2020Excess Fire
The gods must be crazy..... or lazy

I been out here in the black hunting system by system for hours and there is almost nothing to report, nothing to scan, nothing worth mapping except the odd water world, at 25,000ls on its own, naaa, next jump, and finally, a jump in point for the carrier. not entirely ideal but its a start, 1 ring two hotspots, its definitely better than quitting empty handed, gonna check this other icy and see if things get better, yep, another single, hope they are rich, next ring, lets see.
The gods must be crazy was a movie i saw thousands of years ago on planet called earth in the Sol system. It  in the 1980's era I believe, it was hilarious and well worth watching. Never returned to that planet since, never want to. i met a cute pretty young lady there, and then she became "THE WIFE" and it was over, before it began... yes, the gods must be crazy. Sebations, ya just cant predict them can ya... so much like humans...
This system yielded nothing else of use, sent the details to the carrier, at least its a start, moving on.

Great, the only icy here is 278 thousand light secs away, pickings are trim, better check it out anyway. Heard a rumor on the wireless, believable an all, The BORG assimilated a ship carrying my wife and her girlfriends, now they are running around asking each other if their asses look to big... definitely crazy aye... Love my wife really... hehehe, good joke huh, nearly there, dss triggered, lets see what we got here. And we're jumping... empty handed... into another system with a single icy, here we go again. The next, an icy with and icy, pfft... better go look, lucks gotta change huh, yep,... just not today. Next. Same as the last, and the one before that and the one before that.

last 12 jumps, very little right up to the end of the line, then BINGO!!!

yeah, good nite, parkin here, hittin the bunk
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