Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 8

23 Jun 2020Excess Fire
So... Bingo is in fact true, twice, 2 rings, 2 doubles, 1 at its limits and 1 nice and close, almost the perfect landing pad for the carrier,  and it was a complete fluke. the very last stop measured so i could jumponium back to original waypoint in a single jump at 149.6 lyr. coordinates reported, new destination received, the mission continues.

Its time for dinner, got it cooking on the gassy, tea in hand, Floyd playing, LOUD, route plotted, 2nd jump, water worlds in a row, cant pass that up, max payout an all. Maps complete. icy's here too, no need, to close to the doubles, will skip em. "What do you want from me........."

I wasn't singing... honest

I am not from earth originally, i don't know where I am from except it was a bleak dusty metal rich planet, more of a rock really, a mining colony on a 2.5g rock where the average like span once there was only a few weeks for those that stayed. Most workers lived on a capitol ship in orbit and went down for a week at a time. my mother was a long term nurse there and like not so many others was able to adapt reasonably well to the planets gravity.

As did I.

I believe. there were a few different species or versions/races, there, I recall it was a slave labor colony belonging to the empire. A disaster of some occurred and some of us were evacuated, I remember I was caught in an explosion and remember waking up with doctors all around me speaking a language foreign to me but looking at me as if i was some kind of miracle, some words i remembered translate to impossible, blockade and removed or extracted, I clearly had been operated on but never found out why. I later learned the entire planets colony's were all wiped out by an unknown attacker from an unknown origin.

After being locked in a room for weeks, the vessel I was on was attacked and destroyed and only a few survivors were collected, i was one of those lucky ones. We were picked up and transported to a colony in the eol prou region. I remember never seeing so many stars in my entire life in the night sky, darkness was no more. according to those who collected me, i was young and had a disease they couldn't identify. I appeared to not be aging any more, but I was. I was taken in by him who i now call my father and learned his ways and interests which were that of an insatiable curiosity, about everything. We travelled, everywhere, and then travelled again, i soon learned i had to keep away from doctors and officials as they seemed to also have an insatiable curiosity, about me. Fortunately i never really became ill and my father had no issues with busting me out of tight situations, I still carry the tracker he gave me, it's useless now though, he has been gone hundreds of earth years now, all this was in the 1970's earth years, so, I am certainly no longer a young chap, you do the math.
Eventually I took on my fathers ship and trade, so to speak, and ended up visiting earth in is 23rd century, turned out not to be just a visit in the end, I stayed, fell in love with the music of era's gone by, and then,  fell in love with a serrinium female who was visiting at the time, We married as was the custom of her race and made earth our home... for a while. I could not survive earths gravity for more that a few months at a time and she hated living in space. NOBODY thought to warn me about this. I still love the music.... especially the Floyd known as Pink... and UB400
Operating freelance on my own I managed to build a small collection of vessels for purposes specific to the requirements at that time, with the goal of building a vessel capable of enabling me to find where I came from, eventually I found Destiny, an abandoned experimental ship discarded after seriously damaged in some hush hush experiment, she is an anaconda.
My wife and I separated shortly after I sold her to pay for parts for Destiny, well actually, I left in her, in Destiny, at that time, I am not sure if i told her she was sold, however selling the 2 daughters we have proved problematic after that. I have been advised i should refrain from returning to earth

I appear to be on some neutron highway again, that'll cut the distance down nicely. next, 22 jumps to destination and counting, nothing worth scanning, till now, will go map this ww, 12000 ls, time enough to refill coffee then, FRAK, still none,.... Frakin next, next, apart for a couple of single spots, not much else apart from a discovered elw and a few ww's

Destination achieved, switching to local search mode, grid planned, set off, quite a few y classes here, then a m class shows up. a single spot located, the a triplet single, then a double single, not bad, best found so far but 40000 lyr away is another icy, what the hell, im here already, and what da ya know, its another triple with a double and a single, Bingo!!!

Mission Accomplished, awaiting further orders sir!!!

Time for some personal exploration now. Hey... I gutza get paid... luv zz top.

First jump out, double water worlds, am now afraid to stop, luck only lasts a short.... time!!!

Last system shows 41 bodies, and the hunt begins....

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