Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 9

24 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Well... not really scouting at the moment, more like personal exploration for the day, had a bit of a sleep in, even a nice cooked earth style breakfast, bacon and eggs, straight out of the freezing compartment, rather soggy, not like what I remember, was a long time ago though, who knows, maybe my memory's going. stuck on an old earth movie, a documentary I think, something about how earth survived an attack from these shiny machines, cept back then it wasn't called earth, was called caprica I think, strange huh. the, back to the cockpit, gonna spend the day checking out gas giants. my mission continues.

Righto, that's the first leg from yesterday completed, not really anything to report, a water world and a pair of hm-tf's is all, plus a lot of rings with nothin spectacular. plotting return leg went out the airlock since some Muppet turned up and attempted an interdiction. That was never gonna happen, and we're jumping... randomly... this way. Well.. would ya blow me outa the airlock, he's followed me, cheeky son of a supernova, and away I go, jumponium at 152ly, then immediately hot jump out of a star while scooping, Destiny handles heat well, don't ya old girl. I'll fix ya up no worries.

Now, about that second leg...
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