Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 10

25 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Yes, the second leg, another day of exploration, no new orders yet, nowhere to go, nowhere to be, no one to answer to, no reports to send, wireless chatter is quiet, must the show go on? Yes, the show must go on, I can’t just sit around wait for a death that will never arrive, as long as destiny’s heart pulses, so must mine.

Righto Destiny, that’s this leg completed, somewhat profitable, nothing more than ww’s and ammonias though, lets plot a parallel to the first leg shall we. 46 jumps, 160 lyr should do it.
And we’re walking… this way.
Two jumps in the wireless kicks in, a request to hold my position, great, just what I needed, to be told what to do from some damned political Muppet, they want to send a data stream to update my BGS system, damn, I never use it anyway, why waste my time. Fine then, suppose I can have a coffee break, with a cup of frakin TEA, for 40 minutes so their antiquated system talks to Destiny, they should really update it so we don’t have to stay still while they do it aye old girl.

Great, all done, couple hours this time, was a good movie this one, from 22nd century earth, its strange really, no other civilization seems to make viewable entertainment, they have their own forms of music but video style seems limited to surveillance, hmmm interesting really aint it. Anyway, the hunt continues, the jumps go on, the discoveries very limited this leg, time to change things up soon I think. And as if on cue, a water world shows up on fss, and usually where there’s a water world, there’s a high metal terraformable or two near by making the trip usually worth 3 to 5 million, yep, thought so, 3.6 mill. Next

Wireless has gone quiet again, almost an hour went by where it was full of folk from all races moaning and crying about how their wars were lost and it was somebody’s fault, a few high level wanted reports, and one really high bounty from a woman looking for her mans safe return… dead or alive, almost sounded like my…. Ah crap, 500 million, it’s a trap, the Thargoids wanna give her back, I thought they sold her. Fracken wives…. Can’t live with em, apparently can sell em either. Don’t let em get ya Destiny, they won’t take care of you like I do, honest.
Where are we, Next. Another system, another ww, hm-tf combo, credits climbing, ever so slowly, no gassies here though. Next… So another 36 systems go by without so much as a single point of interest at all, no wonder nobody else is here, another leg done, now to cross over to the next mapped leg back, wont be to long now till mon capitaan turns up in the carrier and sends me to the next landing pad site. This system I am in now is a little worth it, multiple gassies, water and hm tf’s, will get a few mill from it, better than naught aye. Not sure about these pink gassies though, they are almost scary… and to many of em out here
Final destination locked in for this shift, decent size ammonia mapping job and then my shift is over, tomorrow, the hunt continues.
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