Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 11

26 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Screwed up i did, how can that be? I don't make mistakes, was i that tired, no, cant be, it has to be an illusion. The carrier turned up at the fuel stop i reported and there was no double there? no way, im to careful, he's gotta be mistaken, yea that's it, wrong system? wrong gassy? wrong side of gassy? nope, i have to check it out.

Im here, same three position readings, they check out, distances... they check... no, they don't, wheres the one on top of the other, was i really seeing what wasn't really there? have they split apart? Nope. I simply cant reproduce the same set of readings.

He's Right!! its not here.

oooh i gotta fix this. they need fuel and they need it now, gotta find another double, i saw one earlier, a short way back, didn't report it as it seemed this one was considerably better, where was it?. back through screens of data, there it is, gotta go check it out.

Yes, this is it, going right in to be sure, mon capitaan gave me a clue as to what i got wrong. Right, going to do some scouting and then come back and wait. coordinates sent.
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