Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 13

29 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Pickins was so trim i fell asleep at the helm, almost out of fuel at max super going absolutely nowhere in particular at all, Lilo asleep on the dash, daughter asleep on my bunk, what the frak, MY bunk! what the frak is wrong with yours? Prolly shoulda got the mattress uta storage huh... um... oops?
So... I have a day off while i wait for Mon Capitaan to turn up, our final destination is out of our jump range so im gonna have a nosey over there about 1500 light years away, scanners show a bunch of neutrons and ya all know what hangs around them aye.

Well what DO we have here? i count 32 neutrons, 6 DA's 3 DAB's and a DB dwarfs, and whats that? just what i was looking for. a Black Hole. None of them visited... ever. nice, i'll take that. got a few codex entries here, some good pics too

Getting a crackle on the wireless, cant make it out though, too much interference here, gotta jump away. O crap, Carriers 2 jumps away and im 16 jumps, Sorry Destiny, we got some hot jumps ahead, guess you gettin that new paint job after all. Technically, its an easy run, Destiny can do a jump a minute for days, Carriers, 1 every 19, so i got 38 to get there, if there are no distractions, but... its me, king of distractions, this 16 jump trip got me 3 ww;s, 5 hm-tf's and 2 ammonias, and that dc dwarf... and the carrier jumped in at the same time as me, in the same spot as me, heading in the exact opposite direction as me,... crazy, didn't needs the shield generator anyway huh... its toast now...

Destiny's destination is now straight to the repair bay, mine is straight to Hungry Hungry Hippo, (fuel transporter).

less than an hour later, all required fuel transferred, all ships locked down, our journey begins, we are leaving the galaxy, almost. destination, a previously unreachable C star falling out of the bottom of the milky way, time for a sleep.

We're there, for a day, time to go for a look around. Destiny's still undergoing repairs, Hippo's to slow, time to take Firestorm for a spin. Firestorm is a Fer-de-Lance fitted for speed and agility... with teeth. She has taken out many battleships as well as small quick fighters, when she locks on, you are in trouble, the trade-off is stamina and defense but she has never let me float off into space yet and she's really good in canyon racing.

So this system is amazing, far below the galaxy you can see all of it, the full spiral, being an edger, i have never seen anything like this before, many pics were taken from many points of view, gotta get an SRV... so back for Destiny i go. Yep, she's ready, install the SRV bay, and we're off, 2 landables, going for the one closest to this beautiful red supergiant. Easy landing, very little gravity, reminds me of a red planet in the sol system really, cars, bars, ah hell, i don't know, makes me thinks of an earth chocolate or something. Anyhow, more pics taken, some minerals topped up, nothing more to see, time for a coffee... at the bar... hope the doors not locked, wont matter anyway. then bed.
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