Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 15

01 Jul 2020Excess Fire

on purpose huh...

i know what you be thinkin... nah, she's not like that, she forgot him aye.

yeah, not my girl... never.


So we are in Kojeara, Colonia region, close to the center of the galaxy, a lay day for some. Me, i gotta outfit my miner, sister to Destiny, named Minor Attraction, don't ask me why, i was drunk at the time, all the time, i was sober once im sure... dunno, possibly. so time to take her in and order up some equipment installation, yep, to easy huh. done in half the day. Figure i might do the same to Hungry Hungry Hippo as well, the T9 Heavy, both with swap out options, better to have more than not enough aye.

Next stop in to the evening, Bar... blurr... medical center... jail cell... freighter brig... freighter bar. I think that's the right order, cat really remember to much cept the bar on Kojeara was fulla idiot miners who thought they were all that and cried like um... ahh frak it, you know, those demanding little critters humans have from time to time..
Anyways, got two ships sorted and deported before the bills were paid, now that's a win, heads gonna hurt for a while but...

Back to sleep, gonna ride this one out till the next waypoint before getting back on to the hunt.

Tomorrow... the hunt continues
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