Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 16

01 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Released from the brig, near 8000 light years from Kojeara, hehe. breakfast, oooh... that don't feel so good. need coffee with a shot of.... nah, maybe not this time. Better go check the 2 upgraded ships, just incase, yep, all there, nice, time for destiny to get to work.

Power up, systems check, looking good, flick on the wireless... Ha!... there's a bounty on my head, wot the frak, why? oh... yeah... woops, he he... those bounty types have never caught me yet, they aint gunna now, to afraid of the black they are, always sticking close to there little safe zones, frak em. there aint a soul on the carrier that don't have a note on his head, next message, the daughter, shes home now, on earth, claims she honestly forgot the cat... hehehe, that's ok, i honestly forgot to tell her to pick her mother up from colonia before heading home, some 22000 light years away, um... sorry. next message, i won won the meat raffle at the pub in Kojeara, ah frak, that was a good pack too. next message, the wife, wheres her daughter? why hasn't she picked her up yet?, well how the frak would i frakin know? LIE LOW ya frakin furball, or get of me frakin dash.

Ok, check for orders, none. Check for carrier jump plan, none, righto then, carriers restin, capitaan;s resting, crews out n about, time to go see what i can find, plotted a 500 ly short jump set, Come on Destiny, we're off. First dozen yield nothing more than a couple of water worlds, a couple of ammonia worlds, half dozen high metal terraformables, and a dozen icy rings with fuel singles. Nothing great at all.

Wireless crackles again, uh oh... what is it this time. Ah! no worries, Mon Capitaan is going to make a few unscheduled jumps, i could easily get to the destination but not much coming up in this region so i'm going to see if i can beat... Time, and get on board for the jump, lets see what auto plot comes up with. Ha... perfect... jump to a neutron, then a second neutron and i'm there with 5 minutes to spare, too easy.

Destiny's locked down, bars open, what to do?....
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︎2 Shiny!
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