Logbook entry

Scouting Mission Day 21

06 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Good morning campers, ahhh the silence or it all, out here in the black, wireless quiet, Lilo asleep curled up keeping my feet warm, coffee's brewing, love this new timed coffee machine, make almost perfect coffee, just doesn't add a shot of whiskey is all. So... i have changed my plans a little, i'm gonna jump towards colonia 500 or so light years then go back down as far as i can and see what i can find in that area, staying within reasonable reach of the carrier, what do ya think Destiny, sound like a plan to you?. she agrees... so again... the hunt continues.

Alrighty then, 543 ly covered, time to head back down. a few jumps in, previously visited systems, mapped a couple of hm-tf's, a system with an elw and ww, previously mapped, well, the the elw was anyway. both suffered a mapping from me. A couple more jumps land me into class m red giant, i mean, it frakin huge, some scanning occurred here, a water world but not much else now lets see how much lower i can go. A few more jumps with a few more fruitless ring scans and i am as low as i can get, the map shows me at -2630 under zero plane... not bad. the next few jumps are neutrons, a dab dwarf, a dc and a db dwarf, codex was interested in the dab, cool. the next couple of jumps land me into a class f with a class k which has a hm-tf and a couple of ww's, small trip to get there, worth it though, 7 mill income there, daily minimum made yet again. wireless still silent, wonder what the rest of the crew are up to...

Cats on the dash again, seems to have learnt to lie low, either that or hes gotten real skinny. hes a big boy really, and i have him on board for a good reason.
He's a good hunter, and apparently good at blocking leaks... who knew? He really likes the crew on the carrier, i have caught him many times stalking them, i keep telling them not to feed him, but when i'm not there... i dunno. o well, moving on...
Some more neutrons, some more dwarfs, some more class a's, c's and k's, a bunch of icy's throughout, pickings are not so good today. Next... another damn neutron, great... A quick check tells me i need to start easing up on the jumponium usage, well, Destiny told me, but yeah, i'm down to 50 percent across the board so i'm moving up to the -2000 plane again where the jumps are closer together. While plotting that course, Destiny felt the need to disable supercruise assist and flyme smack into a waterworld, I guess she felt like a wash, meanwhile, everything that wasn't bolted down made an escape attempt out the canopy, Lilo was not impressed at me getting up close and personal at a great rate of knots, followed closely by a hot pot of coffee, machine an all, and then finally by the contents of my bunk and cabinet. Damage incurred, 3 percent to hull and several systems took a good hit, gonna wait here and start repairs. On the bright side, the damned cat needed a wash, smells nice now, kinda like coffee aye. Ok... Next, nothing, next, 2 ammonias and another water world, i'll take that thank you old girl, next

Destiny finally reports the data from the wreckage collected was successfully transmitted back to the carrier finally and almost as if on cue, the wireless goes off, confirmation received, its been archived for me to collect later when we return. Questions ask as to why i wanted to keep it since it was unreadable, "practise" that's all i told em, ya just never know these days... is it what i think it is? gotta be careful here, can't keep it on Destiny in case the worst happens, ok old girl, delete all those records girl, i got my notes, i know how to get back, does the black ole in that system mean anything?

This system, a k class, a single water world 220000 ls away, ok, here we go, gonna be a while getting there, is ya hungry Lilo, lets see what we got here.
Water world mapped, nothing else, and we're jumping... this way. The next 2 are empty systems then a jump in to a class f white star. Well well, what do we have here, a nice clean undiscovered system with an earth like world, 3 hm-tf's an icy with nothing useful and an icy with nothing at all. nothing landable but we gonna stay here for the um... night??. shifts over, need food, need sleep, need to give Destiny a rest.
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︎0 Shiny!
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