Logbook entry

Scouting Mission Day 22

07 Jul 2020Excess Fire
So a commander from the carrier fires a message at me down the wireless about a cool system i should be checkin out, sounds good to me Destiny, what ya reckon, shall we go see? yep, she enters the coordinates and jumps before i can even sit in me chair, nearly wore that coffee as well, easy girl, don't get to excited now, i think she has a thing for his ship... 14 jumps away, i know i'm gonna be crossing visited systems on the way so figured i would ease up on the scans, the first 7 jumps were not visited and caught 13 hm-tf's and 3 ww's. only ran it to 3 previous visited systems the whole way. i didn't really watch the systems we were jumping to until we jumped since i figured and dangers would have been passed on. yea... nah! last jump... emergency stop, its pitch black, everywhere, totally, i'm in a frakin black hole staring at nothing, oblivion, complete darkness. Destiny's got alarms going off everywhere, the auto field maintenance unit (amfu) fired up cutting power to the engines and thrusters so now i'm completely stopped as well. funniest thing tho, the damned cat that was curled up in his bed instantly turned into a missile... with claws... wonder if the amfu can fix me as well. some photos were obtained while i waited for engines. finally get going, take one last shot  leaving, slow going, cant supercruise yrt, constant over heating, we will get there. Powder puff is settling down again, glaring at me like im lunch though.
On to the star i was told about, it is simply amazing, out with the camera again.
Okay, this system is scanned fully, on to the next, i'm thinking of staying in this region for a while, see what else there is. lots of dwarfs and neutrons here as well, gotta be careful, watch the fuel usage aye.
Wireless fires up, my mate that told me about the system to view wasn't playing a joke on me, i'm almost sorry, cause it would have been a damn good one but nah, simply not thought about it. it is however, the sort of joke i would do... may do... hmmm. hehe... nahhh. A few more jumps, a bunch of good scans, many icy rings checked, nothing worth mentioning though, although it has been a good day for waterworlds, 6 so far. Next...
A HUGE O type, incredible blue white and massive, all on its own. Next is to plot a route back to the carriers for some much needed repairs, seems mostly neutrons for the most part, i can live with that, if the frame shift drive holds out, every jump right now malfunctions, come on old girl, you can make it... aye?
DESTINY!!! hmmmm, only a thousand light years to go... 4 more neutron jumps and we're there. Yeah yeah... I know, you don't like neutron jumps. You do like the washdowns when we arrive though aye?

And we're jumping... go figure!!!
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︎1 Shiny!
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