Logbook entry

Scouting Mission Day 24

09 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Scouting Mission huh, yea, not today, Exploring Mission today, going exploring instead, cred hunting cause i gutza get paid, and curious about the different neutron stars and what they can have in their systems. its ok Destiny old girl, not planning on making neutron jumps, just keep an eye on the fuel levels for me will ya.
The first 2 jumps from the carrier lands us into  system with neutrons by themselves, next jump is different though, 3 m's and an l star along with 2 ww's and 3 hm-tf's, and the first ww is huge,  8 mill there, this is a good start.

Lilo's on the dash again, lookin ahead, cant imagine what he looks like from out there, or what it is he thinks hes seeing either, hmmmm, as long as it's not the wife... i don't care, can you believe it, she burnt down my frakin house...

next few jumps back to nothin... now a dc white dwarf, nothing but a high temperature and a few ice blocks, next, the same but 38 ice blocks and then on to a 3rd with 8 of em, conclusion... dc's are boring, Next... a neutron, empty, on to a da dwarf now. nothin here, and we're jumping... or not... O crap... i'm outa fuel. DESTINY!!! you were supposed to tell me when we need to refuel... "I did... when you were making your coffee cmdr..." I repeat... O crap!
not enough fuel to make a 8 ly jump, how embarrassing. the cmdr's are never gonna let me forget this if i call for fuel, hmmm... options?
Destiny to the rescue, "Scoop the da dwarf, that means i only need 1 ly's worth to that red dwarf 8 ly's away" cool, lets give it a go. It works, we are jumping, success, tanks full again. Next stop, the a class blue white we were supposed to be at, its alone as well... frak. The next is also a blue white... and worth it, 10 bodies, a water world, 3 high metals terraformables and 1 rock body terraformable. estimated at 9 million creds, now thats what im talkin about. Alright, mappings finished, Next...
Another blue white a class, nothing much here, Next is another a class, with a ringed water world that looks pretty cool, yep, gotta check this out.

The next jump lands me at a neutron, nothin here, then a db, again, not much either, now another neutron, empty, on to an a class also with nothing but a fuel up here, next a class, its big, but alone. now a da dwarf shows up, not hopeful, but...  nup, 6 gas giants with rings, going for a nosey, might be mine worthy, then again, might not. Frak... need coffee.... NOW!!!

Sent message on the wireless, not returning after this shift, gonna sleep out here in the quiet, gone 3000 light years, will head back at a lower plane to... um... morrow

Second to last jump, a dc, boring i bet.... yep, could have won creds on that bet. last jump, a neutron, same bet, hah, this bet i lose, a couple of cred worthy hm-tf's

I gutza get paid...
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