Logbook entry

Scouting Mission Day 25

10 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Where's my frakin coffee mug? cant see it anywhere, ah... there it is, in the corner, Hey Destiny, did we get hit by a storm while i was sleeping? "Affirmative, no damage sustained, fsd scooped activated, I am clear to 304 light year jump range" that what i get for going to sleep in a neutron system. well, this is good, will make a cuppa and get moving, lets have a look at the map... there's an O type star 4 jumps from here, could be interesting, we'll start there huh. I do love the colors of these O type stars, cant resist the urge to get up close for a photo...

Then after a few jumps, i run into a black hole, a tiny one

Hung around for a few shots then on to an ms star. picked up my first hm-tf for the shift on the way and a couple more at this rather large ms star after a 170 ls cruise. Damn cats naggin me, he's hungry, turns out, so am i.

Mental note... Never...  EVER,... forget to feed the cat, where'd i put those frakin bandages, damn frakin fat ass cat, careful you, the airlocks right there. I'm still hungry... gonna wait till he's asleep i'm thinkin. Be right back, goin to the med bay... again. frak his claws are sharp.
Right, back to it. I heal on my own very well, but out here, i can not afford to lose to much fluid as its often difficult to get a hold of, my thick skin will have grown back in a couple of hours but require no loss of body water in order to stay conscious, i understand humans die after to long without water for example, me, nah, i just loose the ability to stay awake for the long hours to continue out here in the black, otherwise i can go months without a water supply. problem is, in order to operate Destiny efficiently, i must keep my claws trimmed every 25 cycles (sols) and i lose a liter every trim.
Destiny picked up a k class system 12 ly away and decided to jump there, good move, 3 hm-tf's and a ww located and mapped, good on ya girl. She will do that when no course is plotted aye, she does not like stayin idle at all. she is not a standard Anaconda, shes been fitted with a bioneural artificial intelligence, illegal i know but doesn't show up on any scan and she knows when not to use it, a little something the wife designed when working for the federation before they outlawed it, frakin idiots. This is a one of a kind, has personality and given her survival sense. My implant gives me the ability to communicate with her directly when i am away from her and the srv, and shes working on being able to control the srv's and fighters directly as well, slow going though.

So i've run in to a rather large nest of carbon stars now, and ping, my entire focus changes, just like that, so far have picked up s class, cn class, ms class, and now i'm honing in on the rarer cj class,  picking up the odd ww and hm-tf on the way That's the CJ Star there, beautiful. gonna go out on deck and sunbathe for a while.
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︎0 Shiny!
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