Logbook entry

Scouting mission Day 29

14 Jul 2020Excess Fire
so what's happening? all quiet as usual at this time of dark... or light, if I turn around, the cats pretending to be asleep... as usual. Destiny's complaining about a lack of fuel, should probably sort that out. the stars are really bright, too bright... FSD in cool down, guess im gonna need repairs too now. Geez Destiny, fly to the stars, not into the stars. ahh for fraks sake, up close and personal, geez, the next frakin level, should be a movie transmission title huh, those earthy human aliens sure like making those things, i dunno, sitting there all day watching some made up bs on a fraking huge teledisplay, next thing ya know they be gluing their asp's to a seat playin make believe bs all day and calling it frakin entertainment,.. or worse, work, frakin humans, never gunna understand em aye, where's my coffee, i need a drink

Ok old girl, lets get ya fueled up, there's a k class locked in at 3.2 light years. "Frameshift charging" ok, yea i know, did you ever consider that i get sick of hearing that 200 times a shift, trying mixing it up a bit, ya know, like "Jumping to blah blah blah or "Nailing it boss"", frak, I dunno. Frameshift drive charging. frameshift drive charging, ah frak it. on and frakin on...

"Hello... I see an ammonia world signal, cool, lets go check it out old girl" "its not" Destiny replies, "well that what your scanner says" "its wrong, its an outdoor world... you told me you were going to fix my fs-scanner" "ahh frak, yea yeah, im gettin to it". on an on huh, didn't realize i had 2 frakin wives.....

Careful old girl, might be ya new home.... Ummm... Next. nothin, Next, A class B supergiant locked in with a class O, nice, codex updated, previously visited tho, o well. time to plot a new course.
New course, new direction, new search parameters, and we're jumpíng... this way. first jump, looks good, there's an ammonia world, 2 water worlds, 2 high metal terraformable's, and 3 good sized metal rich worlds, we gonna be here a while Destiny. * bodies mapped and we're outta here

Next bunch of jumps provided a couple of ww's and a few hm-tf's, cats bugging me, calling it a.... yeah, hittin the bunk, LILO... in ya bed boy, nice kitouch... quit it
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︎2 Shiny!
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