Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 30

15 Jul 2020Excess Fire
and the theme for today appears to be water, worlds that is.... First jump, a huge water world, biggest I have ever seen, Destiny reports it will require 12 probes to map, I don't believe her, we will see. took 8 drones... Ha Destiny!!! and the next jump brings me this ring, with a drop of water in the middle. Next... Well, the next system also contains water, 3 of them, not that rare but rare enough, along with 4 high metal terraformable's, this system starts of as a 12 million system.
Ya know, Destiny, I'm thinking we will map every body in this system aye, what ya reckon?

Destiny agrees, Lilo yawns, I make a coffee, a straight one..... honest... uhuh.

Damn, takes a long time to map an entire system.

Wireless goin off again, Fdev wanna shut the galaxy down, apparently it needs updating.... UPDATE THIS FDEV..... yea.... that told em. um.... good job guys ... really... O crap.... 20 minutes to go, im running outta time, better get on with this mapping before my asp is kicked. yea, we gonna make it... just. 10 minutes...  Ah frak....  nah, made it.

Coffee time.... special coffee time. Lilo, you need a hug.
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︎0 Shiny!
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