Logbook entry

Scouting mission Day 31

16 Jul 2020Excess Fire
so how's it all goin out there in the black, im hearing over the wireless that there has been a major fuel supply shortage going on for the carriers out there, seems like there quite a few stuck where they are mining for fuel for days with minimal supplies gained, to bad if they have to be anywhere in a hurry aye.
So... we are out for the 4th day away from the carrier in a row now, today just checking out the aa-a range in this region, see if the h series has anything decent. 9 water worlds claimed so far but pickings are far and few between aye.

Picked up hitchhiker again, damn, it be the same dude from 3 and a half thousand lightyears away, you know, that crazy chaos dude, Lilo's not giving up his seat either, mite have to put this guy on the dash.... naaaa, wont fit aye. mate, you can... hehe... fight the kitty over the chair, Kitty won... GET DOWN LILO..... Great, now im in the cat box??? geez

another series of jumps, nothing great in between, more water worlds and high metal terraformable's. almost back to carrier now, gonna call it a shift, have a drink in the bar with this dude and see what the morrow brings .

Todays finds otherwise include a herbig ae/be locked with O class, a pair of wolf rayet O stars circling each other, a lonesome massive O class, A class b blue white, also massive, a black hole
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