Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 32

17 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Well, I'm not really scouting right now, more like exploring, but nobody reads this shite any way so now I'm wondering why I even bother to write it. yea yeah, i know, you're reading it... are ya bored yet? is it riveting? do you even know why you're reading it? do you even care? do you know what i think?, is ok, neither do I so... I'm just going to get on with it.
Destiny, Lilo and I have decided to go black hole hunting, none of us know why, nor do we care, hope you don't either but then... we don't care if you do either. Alrighty then, Lets go. Carrier is at minus 900 plane, our destination, 1100 light years straight down, to -1500 plane, And we're walking... down there.

Great start do the day, night, what ever... mapped us a hm-tf and a water world, next jump, a pair of hm-tf's, next jump, same again but with a huge ammonia world to scan, and then next, a black hole, a nice on too... see
Nice, now it is time... there's that word again, does it even exist out here, ah frak it, you know what I mean, if you don't, terrible shame, so sad... time to look for more, black holes that is... where um... time... stands still? So, it turns out they are everywhere here, have found over 30 of em before giving up, sure as kytren no shortage of them here, sorry, don't know the translation for that word, is ok though, don't care either, how about you Lilo. (for the record, Lilo growled, it meant no). And we're jumping... this way. This system is a neutron, with a neutron, and a white dwarf, that is all, 3 jumponium's in a row, never run in to that before, o well, next. A hm-tf among 14 other bodies, nothing special next... same again, at least im getting paid, next. I am so getting paid. A neutron with a k class, orbiting them are 4 high metal terraformable's, a water world and an earthlike world, over 12 million creds here, nice, this entire system's gettin mapped. Next is a whole lot of nothings, hope my luck hasn't changed, next. the black hole, cool, it has a ringed class m here, where's my camera?... ahh, here it is.
Next few jumps to a wolf rayet o class and then the next jump brings a black hole in the middle of 2 neutrons and a white dwarf, cool find i reckon, how about you?This next photo got Destiny's temperature over 180 degrees, supercruise assist gone, docking computer gone,  canopy's cracked, the rest very low, Destiny's not talking to me, Lilo's sitting in his water bowl, I do not believe i am very popular today. Taking the quiet route back to the carrier.

Arrived in one piece.... more or less, cats gone in a flash, growled at me on the way past the cheeky bugger, he'll come back when he's hungry, that or a crew member will um... jump ship?... Better get Destiny to the repair bay before she takes off on me as well, then to the bar...

For a coffee alright!!!

Geez, i know what you be thinking... if ya even read this far
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︎2 Shiny!
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