Logbook entry

Scouting mission Day 33

18 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Destiny's all fixed, the damn cats missing, no reports in of missing crew members... yet, hmm, better go find him, probably in the galley as usual. ahh, the bars on the way, will pop in there for um... supplies, oh yes, need to restock as well, getting low on um... coffee?.. and ice cubes, ya know, need em for the coffee aye, heh, iced coffee, sounds like a great invention to me, what da ya reckon, am surprised no one  has thought of that before.
Ok, found the cat, locked in the food store, what a mess, someone should really tidy up in here, there food strewn everywhere. its good to see Lilo's not messing with it, just curled up in the corner sleeping, good boy.
"Lilo... you looking like you putting on weight boy, am i feeding you to much mate?"
Hmm, he looks happy tho, purring his head off. Time to jump in to Destiny and go fly aimlessly around and see what we can find.
So... destination down again, further though, see how far we can go and then explore there.
First stop, a wolf-rayet locked with a Herbig Ae/Be star, nice to see but nothing else, previously visited, then on to another wolf-rayet O type star, now further downwards towards -2000, the first jump, a f type, with a ww and hm-tf, good start, next a lone hm-tf, heh, mapping it anyway, all adds up aye. then another neutron jump, better start being careful now, may not be ale to return, that would cause a head hung in shame. This destination, a class f, nothing to map, back to the plot. This area has a few good possibilities, first up a class B with 3 class T-Tauri stars orbiting it with a few gassy's and other rocks, next a white dwarf dc with nothing worth noting, a few more fruitless jumps to another class boring which turns out to ne not boring, it has a biological signal which i just have to check out... with out my SRV... o crap, oh and its a green system, everything i need to restock materials for my fsd drive, yep... no SRV... clever... very clever

Stop frakin laughing you! and you LILO!!! LIE LOW... I need to see proper when i go in for the biological. frak me, you are lying low, jeeze you got fat lately, what you been eating... o crap... GET OF THE DASH ya damn cat, you'll crush it. Alrighty then, entering atmosphere, there it is, lets get a scan and a few shots... The next jump, destination, another black hole... or is it? Jumped in to this system, smack into a hole and this is the first thing i see. another frakin class boring... cept again, its not. this system has a black hole, 2 class b's and 7 t-tauri's, in it.
Ok, had my fun, got some photos to prove it, moving on... and we're jumping... down there, another white dwarf, this time a dab, keeping the codex busy logging it, now starting to require jumponium for some jumps. The next destination, 2 water worlds, not bad, and we're jumping... into payday... so it seems. was supposed to be a neutron to get me down further but, that trips now postponed, what we have here Lilo, is a smallish 10 body system with 3 high metal terraformable's, a water world and an earth like world, full system map is going to happen here, gonna be a while I'm thinking. here it is, the earth like world that is Continuing on to next destination is running a risk of not being able to return but here goes... and we're jumping... into oblivion... a couple of neutrons, a class b, certainly needed as fuel tank was empty, another class b, by the way that one was boring... as was this one, then another class boring, on to a neutron now, then the destination, a class B supergiant with a wolf-rayet. The supergiant was 86 solar masses, frakin huge, the biggest i have ever found. the next 2 destinations were out of my jump range so on to a new destination, and we're jumping... up and over there.... Up into a neutron with a lone water world, then up into a neutron with a water world, a rocky tf, and a hm-tf, then up into a, hang on, wireless going of, hmm, sounds angry, oh, its from the carrier, yelling about somebody trashing the food stores, did anyone see anybody on board that could have done this he yelling... um, nope, I didn't see a single person while I was on board, did you Lilo? wonder why he not bugging me for his dinner, he just turned his back to me, maybe he is pissed at me still from yesterday aye. Probably now a good time to let Mon Capitaan know i wont be returning to the carrier today...
Ok destination reached, now to plot over the... somewhere, then sleep.

Ha! ya all think I'm dumb huh... frakin cat...
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︎1 Shiny!
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