Logbook entry

Scouting Mission Day 34

18 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Carriers gone... They left 2 of us behind, geez, Mon Capitaan must have been pissed from yesterday... or hungry, no matter, he's gone to one of our bases in Colonia region, only 3000 light years from here. Ok, gonna have a shot of um... coffee and get on with it, first up, a wolf-rayet c class is plotted, picked up a couple water worlds and high metal terraformable's on the way, nothin spectacular, even the wolf was alone. Now on to a wolf-rayet nc class, expectations not high there either. at least the trips on the way are paying ok. This wolf-rayet nc star, yea... it be big, a nice toned orange color, alone, next... Down to the -2500 plane again, to a class b... yep, boring but need fuel badly, then more neutrons, 2nd one in is a good payday tho, 5 high metals terraformable's, a water world, and a rocky terraformable, orbiting a class m, well over 10 million here, every single planet here is map worthy. Next jump bring us to another class b at -2500 with a class o there as well, nothing else but. Going further down from here, in to a neutron with a class m, nothing here either, next, nothing, destination, a pair of class m's, bah. Downwards i go, The next system is a twin class b system with a gassy, metal rich and others, none worth mapping tho.

And that is the furthest down I can go, there is nothing left below me cept empty space, time for a break and some photos. Look Lilo... nothing...

Heading back up now, course plotted for a b class super giant, gonna skip a few systems via neutron jumps as around here doesn't yield much and the neutrons are, around here any ways, always having something worthwhile to check out, 3 10 million value systems today alone among others. The cats asleep, as usual, got him running around the cargo bay earlier, tryin to burn off that round belly, may need to stay away from the base another few days yet I'm thinkin. cant put him on a diet, I need my arms...have you seen his teeth, i mean, I got him for a reason, and I am not wanting to be a target of that reason aye, damn cat, not even supposed to be here, frakin daughter, she was supposed to take im, clearly she's not stupid either huh.
Haven't heard from my squadron mate that got left behind with me for over 12 hours now, cant see him on my scanners or the galaxy beacon system either, either he's powered down or dead, most likely powered down since there's not much out here that could do him damage aye, and I'm sure he's armed anyway. earlier he was within 200 light years but i went down and he went up, no worries, he'll grab me on the wireless sooner or later, he's an explorer, an allrounder really but I suspect he prefers exploration mostly, is also our squadron xo. His vessel slightly longer jump range than Destiny, but don't have artificial intelligence installed like I do, it wouldn't work in any other ship except this anaconda. Destiny got lucky I guess, it was the AI that named her Destiny, don't know why, don't really care.

So... Landed in this system, an a class supergiant, its huge, breaks my mass record without effort, 89.75 solar masses, to fit in the photo frame I had to fly over 3100 ls away from it... massive, even its companion was huge, at 69 solar masses, a class o, codex got busy with both here, now to plot to that class b I saw. and we're jumping... up again. got an ammonia here in this neutron system 350000 ls away, gonna go get it anyway, gives me a coffee break, go get it old girl, we can map it. Next... the blue super giant... seems small now at 78.2 solar masses, all alone too, um where to go from here, lets have a look. might as well get those dav and dcv into codex, then that c-n over there, now the ms star you spotted Destiny, looking like a neutron trip this one, got the usual warnings thanks old girl, when entering this a class system, water world with its hm-tf showing up on the fs scanner, now on to the neutron, with a single hm-tf, todays been good to me cred wise, that's for sure.

My logs show 2505 jumps since the start of this mission, netting me over 1.1 billion creds, with 1678 first system discovery's so far, in 34 days. I sure cant sneeze at that. and im only 22500 light years from home, where the um... wife is... with the house she burnt down, I can not frakin believe she did that. okay then , next, a herbig again, only a couple of jumps, nothing collected. the herbig system was interesting though, dad 3 t-tauris orbiting it... strange huh. then on to an s class star, very nice, see. hehe... sorry old girl, yes, we stopping for repairs.
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