Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 35

20 Jul 2020Excess Fire
This is a good coffee, just the right to start the day, mission accomplished, I am awake. First up, repairs, lets have a look, hmmm... hang on Destiny, gunna do a reboot first, not looking to good here, a few systems offline, yeah, we got a bit too hot yesterday didn't we old girl, not to worry, you fill be fixed in no time, quicker than me anyways, where's the damn cat this time? let me guess... in the cargo bay... yep, coolest place on board, prolly got himself locked in again. Let him out Destiny will ya, and quit locking him in there, i know those doors don't lock themselves. Reboot done, amfu's working efficiently, everything's gonna be fine.
Ok Destiny, lets head to Kojera base, get some work there, watch out for bounty hunters though old girl, ya know we have a bounty on us... well... I do anyways

Course plotted, 27 jumps, leaving neutrons excluded, no hurry eh, everyone's there now from the carrier, the xo got there hours ago, had to limp in, didn't have amfu's installed, heh... I cant talk tho huh. Wireless goin off, its the wife, o frak, tells me she's been released from jail, "Oh... were you in jail, o geez, what for?" I say, instantly regretting it, and having to explain how bad the transmissions get out here in the black. and how its all my fault, and,... I dunno, I phased out at that point. An hour goes by... I'm now considering jumping into a sun, Destiny rescues me with the message "Warning! Communications array overheating. Terminating communication system". oh thankyou thankyou thankyou Destiny, this is not turning out to be a good shift, we better get a move on now. Wonder what happened to the xo to make him have to limp back, he's normally so careful. And we're jumping... heading home. Wireless goin off again, automated message this time, there a celebration going to happen, Graybeards 3rd Carrier has just been commissioned into service, hmmm, its called Maerlyn"s Rest... wonder what that means, no matter, I wont be there in time, terrible shame, broken heart an all I am... next. Humans... big deals over little things aye. here's a nice system, got a pretty nice green gassy, mite het a shot of thatwell its sort of greenish ok!! Next... double b class system, not much here but i found it amusing, here's why. yep, gotta smile some times aye, even the galaxy knows huh. Next... This next system has nothing spectacular in it but 5 high metal terraformable's, gotta map em cause I gutza get paid aye. Next, half way there, next... this looks promising, 4 high metal terraformable's, 2 water worlds, and an ammonia world, good payout here, 11 million creds at least. this turned out be the last stop, Hey Lilo, you get to stretch ya legs, come here mate, I'm feeding ya first. Power down Destiny. you getting work over and a wash.
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︎1 Shiny!
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