Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 36

21 Jul 2020Excess Fire
paperwork?... PAPERWORK!!! WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT FRAKIN PAPERWORK... frak me, nobody said shite to me about filing paperwork for this mission, for fraks sake, nah. forget it, here my frakin diary and ships log, figure it out ya frakin self... frak me, I got real work to do,  they all frakin nuts, I mean hell... I don't know how to write... never said shite about paperwork to me, frakin fraks...
So Destiny's in the shop, gettin a refit she is, she's earned it, deserves it she does. I'm out in Minor Attraction, hunting for something called osmium, for some frak of an engineer. earlier another engineer had me running around grabbin up a couple hundred progenitor cells just so I could pay through the nose for some minor upgrades, geez, are these fraks thieves or what

So I found a metallic ring that provided me with the required metals along with a bunch of materials and other metals I can sell, ran the limpets out and I'm done. Now to switch from mining lasers to defensive weapons and the multi's, and head to the engineer, need to get some work done on the fuel scoops, here I come Marsha, you betta be ready aye, only 1 jump and I'm there. Well frak, I've been interdicted, i almost feel sorry for im, yep, glad I switched weapons aye, made short work of that idiot, now, where were we, yes, Marsha's waiting for me, bet she organized that attack as well, words will be had, she will deny, a deal will be made, heh... I know the game, I've played it! Alrighty then, that's done, now to offload all this cargo, will go see if Bolden, will take it, if he's talkin to me that is, our last meeting did not go so well, I shot his manager, didn't like the look of im, Bolden didn't report me though, hmm... landing approval given, where's my blaster, where my knife jacket, cool, all prepared.

Well, I am surprised, he took it all, at a great price as well, 3 times what I was expecting, no mention of the past, not a word, his new managers a sweetheart, gonna see her at the bar later, nah, not tempted to shoot this one... yet! I am waiting for the penny do drop though, something's up aye, we will see. will have a "chat" with missy manager this evening. Just gat a call on the wireless from Marsha, doesn't want me to remote work on Destiny, wants me to bring her in, don't see any harm, will do. Ahh, I forgot she knew about Destiny's special mods, was involved with the experiments at the start, was concerned the upgrade would cause issues, nice, I can relax. Destiny remembered Marsha, gave her access to her core without question, good enough for me. Ok, back to the Greybeard's Have to get sorted for this evening.

If ya all think im telling ya bout that.... haha... nah, frak off!!!
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