Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 37

23 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Exhausted i am, don't ask no questions and I wont tell ya no lies, its been 3 days since my last um... confession, and its already been said and done. 2 days off, the carrier and ships, spent on the base here at Kojera, made good use of the bar, paid my past bill, bounty's lifted now, missy manager was yeah, well, good company, and on her own mission for Bolden as I suspected, a simple transportation request which I would have done anyways without repeated coercion, the cargo, sorry, cant tell you that.

All 5 ships, Destiny, Gonzales, Firestorm, Hungry Hungry Hippo, Miner Attraction, and Ascendant are back on board the Greybeard's Hope after being refitted, upgraded and fully repainted and ready to go but there is one minor problem, there's no fuel... anywhere, all carriers are stranded here. So... it really is a case of all dressed up and no where to go... almost... the bars open, plenty fuel there, don't even have to kick the door in, I could get used to this aye. The shuttle isn't due for a couple of hours so I think it will go to the bar here at the junkyard for a drink. and we're walking... actually walking... this way.

The bar's an old rustic room, not fancy, definitely aged but with taste and thought, laid out in a manner that creates areas of privacy and areas of open access with a dance floor, cleverly done so that every point in the entire can be shot at from the center of the bar, if you are behind it. no security guards, just 3 blasters mounted behind the bar in easy reach of the tender from any possible position, I know this because as I walked in, I forgot I had mine with me and he noticed before I got my second foot through the door. I slowly removed it  from the holster,  a waitress takes it and hands it over the bar to him, "Rules mate... you know better" he growls as he lowers his blaster, frak me... I never even saw him grab it he was that quick. "yeah mate, I know" I reply as I watch him pour me a shot, "room, bottle" with out dropping his gaze, "uhuh" "I hear ya bounties paid, ya blasters goin to ya room" he growls as he turns to the waitress and watches her wander off my my blaster, "don't make somethin ov it" as  i pour my next shot I look around the bar, no point in replying, nothing to be said would matter. I like this guy I think to myself, wont start anything here.
The bar's only got a small number of people in it, most appear to be service workers of varying trades, 2 miners at the bar, one each side of me, a guy at a table trying to impress the 3 ladies seated at a table, clearly making out to be a bounty hunter by the way he is talking at them, younger type, full of gestures, got that arrogant look about him, yep, don't like him, decisions made. the miner near him keeps glancing over his shoulder at him, has that look of growing anger, what's going on? even the ladies are starting to look irritated now. I look back to the bar tender and notice one of the blasters is no longer mounted and he is looking at me direct, I could tell he's saying not to move but I have already decided i like this place, don't want it messed up now so I get up and wander over to the ladies table and sit directly between one of them and this talky guy, lean back and look up at him straight in the eyes and quietly say, "are ya dead yet pirate" He could not help but notice what could only be a blaster pointing straight up at his head under my jacket, stands up straight, says "Ladies" turns around and walks out of the bar and disappears. I then get up, "Ladies, It's been a pleasure" and wander back over to my shot glass pulling my bottle out from under my jacket and place it back on the bar. Bartender growls "uhuh" as he refills my glass. a quick over at the miner, tipping hit his hat and wearing a rather wide grin, I'm feeling the three pairs of eyes frequently looking over at me, not unattractive but as I said earlier... I'm exhausted.

"Yep, I do like this place!"

I think I said that out loud...
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︎1 Shiny!
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