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Scouting mission Day 38

24 Jul 2020Excess Fire
So I am stuck in this region for a few more days at least, this is not good, I don't do sitting around, I don't make creds sitting around, I get in to trouble sitting around, yep... I don't do sitting around. Okay Destiny, I say in to my wireless, get the SRV's on board, we going for a look around this region, may even try picking up some materials, I'll catch the next shuttle.

Shuttles in a couple of hours, geez my timings crap these days, would have flown here myself but the docking fees are ridiculous unless you are allied status here, and allied I aint.
So... 2 hours... what to do... wonder if the bars open, could use a bite to eat, is almost lunch time anyways.

Yep, bars open, I remember to leave my blaster in the room this time, bartender growls the usual uhuh before I can get a word out and has the glass full by the time I get to the bar, leaves the bottle and goes about his business. The waitress is wiping down a table, looks at me and then at a person at the end of the bar sitting there with a drink in hand semi facing away from me but it was enough for me to recognize, frak... its the wife... no way, how could she possibly find me 20 thousand light years away, this is not frakin possible, wait, she hasn't seen me, it's now or never, how to get out unnoticed, ah shite, she seen me, glaring at me, just sitting there. No choice now, have to face the orchestra I think the saying is, doesn't seem right, ah whatever, who cares. I grab my glass and drink and walk over to her at the end of the bar as she reaches into her bag and pulls out some paper, takes down the rest of her drink, puts the glass on the papers, stands up and looks me square in the eyes and says quietly, "I want a divorce" and walks of the bar. As I watch her leave I hear behind me the now familiar growl, "uhuh" as I watch her stop outside the bar and talk to that frakin pirate from the other day, she hands him an envelope. "uhuh" I respond, "frakin bounty hunters... he's good!" as I grab my drink and sit on the bar stool, well I'll be fracked, " talking in to my wireless, "Destiny, todays cancelled" as I settle in for the long haul. "got ano" "uhuh" "ther bottle!... stupid frakin question... This is a good day. And we're drinking... right here.

I wonder if those 3 from the other night will turn up here...

Ah frak... damn cats gotta be fed... where's that bounty hunter!... she can keep the house... what's left of it anyways... heheh cant believe she burnt it down. ah frak, gotta get daughter to secure the stuff in the cat house real quick.

How'd she get here so quick?

frakin wives... is it still illegal to... coarse it is, frak! "Got ano" "uhuh" "ther bottle!"... heh... I'm just gunna stop askin.
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