Logbook entry

Scouting mission Day 39

25 Jul 2020Excess Fire
The bar's a little busier now, a mixture of patrons, dance floor being used by the drunk ones, the female ones anyway, doing their mating call routines, i would need to be seriously drunk to want to mate with those ones, dunno how much i would need to drink to get that bad but these creature  are there on a sniff, either that or its fake. A few miners in here, more interested in the waitresses than the dancers, yeah, they have a job, that's why. A few crewmen, mechanic's and traders, ya can always tell the traders, always working the room, tryin to make a deal, they learnt to leave me alone... finally, bartender wasn't amused at that, earned me a glare that did. terrible shame. 3 pirates walked in the entrance armed, 2 left, no one batted an eye, or showed it anyway, even the station security guys at the corner table didn't look. The 3 ladies from the other night are here now, sitting at a table over there, they recognize me when i look over and smile. 1 gets up and wanders wanders over to where I am and orders 3 drinks, says to me "would you like to come join us?" "I reply nah miss, I gotta be going in a minute" "besides, I don't do the conversation thing" to which she replies "neither do we" as she returns to the table with her 3 drinks and a bottle that looks suspiciously like mine. I hear the familiar "uhuh" from behind the bar, turning back, yep, its my bottle, "no choice huh" Bartender ignores me "heh heh", I could hear the grin.

So I take the seat with the ladies at their table, my glass gets refilled, "Ladies" I say quietly checking them out, dressed modestly in what could only be working attire, they are quite attractive but clearly hardened through life, I can sense a feeling of defeat, anxiety, and fear, but not of me... entirely. After a moment of this, introductions are made and comments made about the amusement of the other night, I did not feel the need to mention about him actually hunting for me, or her at all...  at a about that point I sensed someone coming up behind me, reached for my blaster which of coarse wasn't there and felt the breath of a whisper in my ear. "Hello there commander" and the chair beside me pulls away from the table and is no longer vacant, I need not look, I had felt that recently, I knew exactly who it was, the relief on the other ladies told me exactly what was going on, I'm sitting with my cargo...
Ahh hell no!, none of my vessels have passenger capabilities, no way is this going to work, forget it. "nobody said anything about cargo, all we need to to install a fighter bay... without the fighters" missy manager replies quietly" "uhuh... ahh, converted for accommodation for 3 huh! this could work." missy looks at me direct and replies "guess I'm sharing your bunk then huh" hmm... I've been in worse situations, I was married once... once! the things we do for a cred huh, ahh frak... I'm not getting paid for this one aye!... heh heh, gonna be an exhausting trip.
The ladies looking at missy manager now looked relaxed, I learn the are escaped slaves of the empire with data and knowledge the empire does not want out there, and the bounty hunter I convinced to leave the other day was the one sent to retrieve them as well as find me for the now ex wife, he may nod even realized I am transporting the ladies. I'm sure he knows now though, he had been seen in the hanger bay asking where my ship was so clearly he thinks I am there to collect them, glad i shuttled in, no way he could tell what carrier I came from or went to, its a routine trip of over a hundred stops for the shuttle. Missy will arrange for my fighter bay in storage on the carrier to be discreetly swapped out for the converted one and get the ladies to the carrier. arrangements for the carrier to jump 500 lights years away for us to board Destiny and jump towards Beagle point, their destination, as far as anyone knows that is, now i wait.

Ahh frak, wireless goin off, is the daughter, the younger one, great, more complications, she's here and wants to meet me. "will see you ladies later huh" I say as I get up and walk off, "the daughters here", timing off but good, I better go meet her at the docks, "where's that green krait... ah, here it is. "Hi hun. "Drop me at the carrier will ya hun", "did ya bring what I asked?... Ya sisters mother was here are" she replies with a quiet "uhuh... hurry up, get in, I got shite to do." geez, grumpy today aren't we I'm thinkin... "I Just flown 17 hours straight, and now you wanna taxi, and ya tellin me that woman's ere, come on lets go, I don't wanna run into her, frak that." its ok, she's gone now, wants a divorce is all, gave me the papers to sign."... "Have you signed them?" "not yet" "WHAT!... GIVE THEM ERE... geez old man, I'll take em back and drop em in for ya" "but I haven't signed em yet" "you have now, I'll do it, we be waiting till the end of time if i leave with you to do it".

heh heh... I love it when a plan come together
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