Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 41

27 Jul 2020Excess Fire
Missy and I are directed to a room by the general, hardly anyone in this area, so my only concern is the surveillance system, those things are easy to fool, no worries there, wanna give daughter with the Krait a call on the wireless, just to see if she got home ok and if she purchased the upgrades she was talking about. She replied to the affirmative and commented that she had a guy checking out the installation as we speak. Excellent, that's my girl, I remind her that I wasn't serious about selling her, she doesn't believe me. Give the other daughter a call as well, got yelled at, about her mother... what a shame, got cut off... frakin kids huh. That's all I needed to do.

It's clear both girls are being watched, no worries, younger one knows what to do, covered that back in Kojera, she grabbing a friends dolphin and going to call Destiny up from a specific system with certain instructions to meet and board her and release Destiny's lockout from communicating with me provided I contact her from the Greybeards headquarters. once done, Destiny will come pick me and will choose a frigate to board and offload the fighter bay and let the general know which one once we have left. Then it is done. Whoever is tracking us is smart, I don't think it's the general, just gotta be smarter.

Getting out undetected was harder than we thought, missy manager and I, but we are quite sure we made it. Several stops and transfers later we are at headquarters, the only 2 to get off in this system, a good sign. I'm told Destiny turned up a few hours ago, with only the cat on board and it's "Frakin" crazy, would not let anybody on at all, not even the service bots, shredded two of em... decided to leave im to me... heh heh... good boy huh. "Yeah, was testing some auto pilot mods, seems ok but still buggy, shoulda been here two days ago... frakin ship, thinks it's a frakin holiday aye" Come here boy, lets get you somethin to eat... then we're off again.
Damage to Destiny wasn't to bad, hull and non critical systems only, fix her up no probs aye, now we heading off, to meet a frigate, they just don't know it yet, instructions have been given to all on the list to allow me to dock and resupply, that's all they need to know and that's all they gonna do... and we're jumping... missy manager and I, no, that's not what I mean, geez, frakin dirty mind ya got aye...
Frigates name is the Titans Reach, docking permission granted, Fighter bay swapped out for a double fighter bay, geez, these military guys are efficient, and we're out of there, now back to headquarters do drop it off. Mission accomplished
Landed back at headquarters, noticed we were followed for a while but they appeared to give up after a few jumps, hehe , the penny's dropped, the cargo's on the frigate now. we decide to go to the bar here for a drink, quite a lot of people here, mostly going on about this frigate being attached by over a hundred pirate type ships, it was destroyed. shortly after that the wireless goes off... this I expected, its the general, extremely angry, ranting on about how my plan failed and how he was going to make me pay for this...  "heh heh" I replied "nah it didn't, your cargo's in the room ya gave missy and I, been there a couple hours now, delivered by a dolphin transport, now the only ones that know they live are you and us, might wanna keep it that way huh?..." I hear a door slam shut over the wireless... Heh Heh Heh.

Mission accomplished Missy Manager... Mission Accomplished!

and NOW we're jumping...

Back to Kojera that is.... dirty... filthy... disgusting mind you have there...
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︎1 Shiny!
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