Logbook entry

Scouting mission Day 43

30 Jul 2020Excess Fire
got a few minutes sleep in this time, felt like minutes anyway, need coffee, she's asleep now, I'm sneaking around quietly so I don't wake her, head to the galley, pour me my coffee, pop a shot into it for good measure, head to the cockpit.... FRAK ME.... there she is, sitting in the seat, hand out... "uhuh", hand her the coffee, head to the galley, pour me my coffee, add a shot for good measure, feels like déjà vu aye, cant complain tho, dunno why, just cant. NO... its not fear...

Plan is still to head up, lots of neutron's here, and dwarfs of various types, plenty of a classes as well. first hour netted 7 high metal terraformable's, diamonds and opals, nothing spectacular though, still climbing when wireless goes of, yep, shutting down systems and waiting for the political crap to be sent, o crap... we might have to actually talk... "uhuh" she says, yep, thought so...
Couple hours go by... rather quickly and the wireless goes off again, the usual, everyone complaining about their government's, wars lost, systems lost, the usual crap, its great to be an independent I tell ya. we are back into the swing of things here, system's to check out, planets to explore, the blimp slowly returning to cat form, me slowly returning to the size I was, missy manager has eased up and relaxed more now, I think she wanted to feel useful now we have completed the mission was all, heard to many stories of folks being ejected when their usefulness was done, some words were said, she knows now I not those guys besides, I don't like to waste food and I'm pretty sure that Lilo would eat me before her, seriously, the damn cats gone gaga over her, might have ta sell im... "OUCH"... and she can read my thoughts... frak me, I felt that slap... "uhuh" I hear... again. Not boring... that's for sure.

Still heading up, at +1344 plane, jump distance now about 7 light years apart but getting steadily longer, collected half dozen hm-tf's in the last few hours, topped up on some minerals on a nice sunny planet, Lilo took me for another run, unplanned, and we're off again. There's quite a few class b's in this region, mostly boring, and neutrons still here, also mostly boring ones. Ran into a dav white dwarf, had a few gas giants there with diamond rich rings, marked that for later. another few neutrons, one has a decent sized water world, clean blue water, very nice. ring full of multiple painite and other spots, counted 7 painite spots alone, could be worth a carrier visit here... Then on to a class b for boring which was just that and then another class b that wasn't. interesting rings, geological's and biologicals, and a serious imprint of Destiny on the planets surface, "DESTINY!!!. we talked about your belly flopping didn't we?" missy manager's on the floor, "you comfy down there missy?" I do not think I should translate that "UHUH"... heh heh... the blimp has turned into a furball that fills up the cockpit... with claws... and teeth snarling at me, "be right ya all, ima goin outside" got more food here, these cook up well, if ya know how.
Yep, we gonna be here a while I'm thinking as i look over Destiny's damage

Quite a while


not translating that either
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︎3 Shiny!
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