Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 44

31 Jul 2020Excess Fire
The old girl took more damage than I thought, got her repaired as far as i could get but not much past 80 percent overall,  the belly flop was severe, but its understandable, a vertical decent on a 2.7 g planet is never advised on a ship as heavy as Destiny, the error is mine, I know these things, I have been somewhat distracted lately, dunno why, couldn't be having missy manager... on board, no way, ask her, she'll tell ya, if ya can translate her "uhuh's" that is... frak... I'm guessing most the time myself
So we are finally lifting of this planet, gravity plating's kicking in now, feeling lighter already and we only 50 meters of the ground, Destiny's having a hard time here, feels like we in a 5 g atmosphere, recheck the measurements, o frak, it 3.7g, that explains a lot, sorry old girl, I coulda sworn it read 2.7g when I checked earlier... heh heh...
And we're jumping... up there... We have entered the non sequence, rayet, white dwarf belt near the outer region of the milky way now, scans and mapping's becoming fewer and fewer here, an even balance of neutrons and white dwarfs being scanned with a black hole, tiny at that and the odd proto and L type thrown in for good measure so far. more and more white dwarfs the higher we go. After a while, we find a few empty a class systems, then a class b previously honked but this one shows a water world here, scans tell me its undetected and the "uhuh" I hear beside me tell me we are going to visit it... I reply with a "yep, we going there" and missy replies with a "thankyou". Seriously, I have no idea how to translate that word, learning missy managers language is not easy I tell ya...
So this water world is not pretty, even with it's rings, deeds a serious wash this one does... see. Unbelievable, she likes it, I do not understand this human, "you are human aren't you missy?" just thought I'd ask aye... learnt a new word jus now, means shut the frak up... think I'm in the cat box... o crap, have ya ever seen a pissed off human female... ya pay for days, its not good, shutting up now!

Next, neutron star that gave us all a slight doubletake, we were already in it on arrival, emergency stop an all here, waiting for cool down I got this shot.
Another set of 60 jumps complete, plotting the next set, continuing up we are currently at 1500 above the plane, not high enough yet. So far since we took of this shift, we have discovered a single water world that pays anything worthwhile, now several hours later we have an a class system with a single high metal terraformable, credit wise, this is not a good shift, got some good shots though, so it's still worth it. And we're jumping... this way Next.
Missy managers flying Destiny now, I'm officially bored, her first jump lands us our second hm-tf for the day, the stats tick over ever so slowly. Destiny cant or wont talk to missy through the headset, so for missy its fully hands on but Destiny is playing nice... for now. I'm thinking I might make me... "uhuh" us a coffee. frakin mind reading females... "UHUH".. oh yea... frak...  weren't we taking you home... "UHUH"  ok... shutting up now,.. geez... "UHUH" I didn't think anything... "FINE"...

O FUK!!!

The cargo bays quite large on Destiny, holds a fair amount if needed, 128 tons main bays and a good amount in the chiller, 2 years capacity for one person... ONE... hydroponics I built myself into the fighter bay service area sine i never service the fighters if I have em on board which is rare. the water storage tanks on each side have been converted to store materials collected and the materials bay converted to store water, this results in more material capacity but only half the water storage capability. I do not require the same volume to survive as humans unless I am damaged but to ensure I don't run out of water on long journeys I designed and installed a water scoop along the same principle as the fuel scoop where I can scoop water vapor from water worlds and giants, having the purifier inline from the scoops to the tanks just made sense to me. The Idea is one person should be able to survive out here for years before resupplying... ONE person.

I notice while i am down here in the cargo bay um.. inspecting it...  Destiny's been doing a lot of short runs, making me wonder what the hell missy manager is up to... mapping everything in site? might go up and see huh. Wandering in to the cockpit, "how we doing so far?" "uhuh" she replies, "Frak me, that many?, its only been a couple of hours" "uhuh... heh heh heh" 8 high metal terraformable's, 6 water worlds, a terraformable metal rich and an ammonia world is what she has mapped so far, well frak me... the luck is with little missy manager today. "" Coffee?" I ask. "Nah" she replies.

This is a day of days... another new word from her, and i found the translation for the word thankyou she said earlier. It means "We are going to do what I fraking want to do whether you like it or not, AND... YOU are going to be fraking happy about it or I will say FINE"

ah fine...

grabbin me a coffee... gotta fix the cargo bay.

coulda sworn I heard "O FRAK" from Destiny over the intercom...
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︎1 Shiny!
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