Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 45

02 Aug 2020Excess Fire
A few hours pass while I'm in the cargo bay tending to the garden and stores, missy manager still piloting Destiny, things are better, Destiny's started to talk to missy, its that trust thing taking its sweet time but getting there, for me as well, a lot of scans made while missy in control, mostly hm-tf's and rings logged along with a black hole and a class m giant, that wasn't giant, nothing of significance. I'm taking over now, missy's plotted a course to plane 2700 above, jumps getting longer now, and irregular, we almost there im thinking. Missy takes a sip of the coffee I hand her, looks up with a smile an the usual "uhuh" as she gets up and heads towards the galley. I say "oh no, she's gonna cook again Lilo", she knows I'm kidding, but the damn cat didn't, he up like a flash and gone, in the direction of the cargo bay, I knew that cat understands what I say, first time I ever seen missy laugh, coffee went everywhere, which set me off sending more coffee everywhere. After a bit of a cleanup, I sit back in the seat and missy comes out with replacement coffees and plants herself on my lap, curls up and wriggles in and that's how we are jumping... from now on. I'm thinking she's finally feeling safe and able to relax to which I hear a quiet "uhuh", keep forgetting she hears my thoughts.

So were are jumponium jumping now, 2919 lyrs above the plane, a class o black hole, not going up any further here, there are no more higher here that we can see, well there are, but well out of jump range, only a carrier could get to them, we not the first ones here it seems, quite a few class b's on the way up here, heading down now, a different route though, still got plenty jumponium on board, nearest jump is 148 lyrs, another black hole, and then a squeeze through this passDestiny reported a whopping 236 degrees, a tad warm, the cats back in the shower, missy manager's laughing her head off, ya know, I just cant figure her out... need water, lots of it, damn it, the water tanks boiled

Oh yeah... Destiny's not talking to us now... frakin females huh?. OUCH!!! "what was that for?"

Waypoint reached, stopping here for repairs, I am not to popular at the moment... again. Destiny's hull needs serious repairs now so plotting the quickest route to Greybeards Hope, 32 jumps, nice, having a sleep first.
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︎1 Shiny!
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