Logbook entry

Scouting mission Day 46

03 Aug 2020Excess Fire
So, 32 jumps, half an hour or so, taking the quiet safe route back to the carrier for repairs, Ha!, that aint gonna happen, we goin up, we goin down, over here, there, there,.  oooh, and there, talk about random exploring. if we find a landable terraformable, that's it! we have to land on it, like the one we are on right now. yea... so very.... there's nuthin fraken ere.... see!So we take the srv's out, we're down, may as well replenish what we can while we are here, and frack, high range buzzer goes off, the signals strong so it's close, of coarse we gotta go look aye. Sure enough, there's a crashed ship here, recent, still smoking, is a python, shot up pretty well, way to hot still to go in close, there's no sign of life here, no pods, there is cargo but we don't need the weight so leave it, just some materials strewn around is all so we grab them and head back to Destiny. Missy manager is leading a hundred meters ahead of me and as we come to the top of a ridge she stops and backs up rather suddenly signaling me to stop, somethings not right here so I pull up beside her and see what she see's, Missy growls "uhuh" indicating left and I nod going right, anyone with a brain could have translated that growl, I'm sure you did too. What we are looking at is a pirate vulture with some pretty heavy duty weaponry, had to be to bring down a python, but like all idiot pirates, had decorated it with all those piratie spikes and shite that allows you to ident them a light year away... no idea, I tell ya. I watch missy put destiny in between her and the pirate ship, but also notice destiny's cargo bay door is open, that when I start to laugh... heh heh heh. There's no movement on the pirate ship or anywhere else for that matter, missy hearing me laugh over the wireless responds with a questioning "funny?" to which I respond "Lilo". she starts laughing as well. We drive up to Destiny and the other ship, still no movement, so we dock the srv's and wander over to the cargo bay where we see Lilo sitting in front of the open door up close to the shield keeping the atmosphere in, looking down at this pirate in his space suit.

The thing is, Lilo was brought up around weapons, he knows they hurt and can kill, and he knows how to avoid being hit by one and he very much knows how to remove one from an attacker without killing said attacker. This particular attacker apparently did not know that running outside on a planet with no atmosphere in a spacesuit that has had its arm ripped off is suicide, neither did Lilo... until today. He is sitting there purring with the pirates blaster in his mouth, still attached to the hand and spacesuit arm. Blasters useless by now, Lilo hates weapons, that blaster would have been crushed while still attached to the pirate, hand and all. I have lost many weapons to that frakin cat over the years, to this day I don't blame him, but that's another story.

The vulture's not got much in it but a few useful materials and parts, missy's stripped it of weapons and parts she thinks are of value, frak me she's a good mechanic, must come with working with an engineer huh. I just clicked, that's another
new word from missy, huh... funny.
Visited 42 systems so far, great... 30 jumps to get to the carrier for repairs. half an hour or so, taking the quiet safe route back to the carrier

"uhuh... heh heh"
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