Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 47

04 Aug 2020Excess Fire
30 jumps to go to get repairs, half an hour there, half an hour back, yet nope, doesn't wanna go. She's plotted a coarse of 105 jumps at this level of the galactic plane, 2103 high,  includes all system types, using my scouting system to plot. I get it now, she does not want to return at all, but is afraid to tell her father, dragging it out as long as possible, but I think he knew, just a feeling I got when we left, she wasn't returning and he was ok with that, how to be sure though? I could get used to her here with me permanently, the cats taken to her as well, very protective, even sulks from time to time when she's sitting on my lap with me. Missy's using words learned more and more now, conversations getting easier by the day, She definitely has the explorer's bug, doesn't want to miss anything, good around the ship, I don't think I want to take her back either. Destiny is also allowing more and more access to her systems as well. she's a smart girl, has easily figured Destiny has AI, just doesn't mention it or attempt to confirm it.
The route planned is using the shortest jumps possible in the straight line set for a thousand light years, up this high they average 10 - 12 light years apart, definitely economical
11 jumps in we find a water world with its partner a hm-tf, got them mapped ok, 2 more jumps and we land a system with 3 water worlds with a bunch of icy's, get them mapped without issue. Next, nothing then the next is a water world... again, size being almost a water giant. we will refill the tanks here. "Destiny, dump the water and extend the water scoop old girl will ya" The familiar "water scoop ready" and then "water scoop complete" is returned, now to map. Next... A neutron, wow, nice dodging that one missy, was a double close together and very close to the jump in point, otherwise, they were alone. Next, 6 jump with some cool gassy's but not much else, then an ammonia world pops up on the scanner, 400 thousand light seconds away, with a high metal terraformable. Coffee time, frak, "where's the whiskey? are we out of whisky?" "uhuh". that actually meant uhuh... mental note, double the whisky stores, missy manager, now know as missy explorer, likes whisky as well.
Ammonia and high metal scanned, next... a class k star with a hm-tf to be scanned and then 2 jumps on a couple more high metal terraformable's. at least we gettin paid for today missy I'm thinking. The next jump yields 2 more hm-tf's as well, then 2 jumps into a white dwarf da class, nothing to see here, just a few more rocks.
The next bunch of jumps included a couple of dc white dwarfs, a pair of Herbig ae/be's with a t-Tauri star, and an m class red giant which got codex all excited, a few class g's, class m's, class k's, all with nothing to map.

Buzzer's gone off, time for scheduled maintenance so we making this last jump to a class b for boring and shut down Destiny for her check up. found a nice high metal close to the star to set Destiny down and as it turns out there are biologicals here to check out. another thing for codex to get all exited about

Hulls at 63 percent, power plant at 96 percent, everything else 100 percent, time for food and material hunting.

O frak... Missy Explorer's cooking... we gotta go Lilo...Dinner?... frak!
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