Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 49

12 Aug 2020Excess Fire
Five days it took, five frakin days to get Destiny operational after missy explorer's tearing her apart to get control, stuck on this rock with limited supplies, cept for what the damned cat dragged in, simply could not get the thrusters to fire for lift off. I mean, missy's a good mechanic an all that but without the right tools... It's like trying to undo a bolt with a frakin screwdriver. eventually we got the wireless running which enabled us to call for the right tools to be delivered, then that was daylight robbery, frakin thieves these pirates are. Anyways we got off... yeah, the ground that is, ya frakin dirty minded fraks... geez, i dunno... and with the fsd at 23 percent, power plant at 16 percent, and two burnt out amfu's systems, it was a frakin slow trip back, straight to the junk yard at Kojeara, another day and Destiny's gonna be back to new.
Meanwhile, missy's vanished, I figure she's gone to see her father at the bar, I could use a drink. walking into the bar, a dozen or so in there, but no missy, look at the bartender and he shakes his head slightly indicating to me i don't need to hand over the blaster, pulls out 2 glasses and a bottle off the top shelf. I guess we gonna be havin a chat, great, I start, "she's spoken to" "uhuh"
"she's back at the" "uhuh"
"want's to sta" "uhuh"
"you're ok wi" "uhuh"
"no choice huh", to which he looks me straight in the eyes and grins and actually says "neither of us." "uhuh" as i grin back, "Don't hur" he starts to say as I cut him off "really?, Its more likely the other way round aint it? "uhuh, I told her too, he he, frakin women" he goes, "uhuh"
frakin women alright im thinkin, I better go see what she's doing to Destiny at the docks, frak, I think I'm in trouble now, frakin doomed.
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