Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 52

16 Aug 2020Excess Fire
Its fantastic, the peace and quiet, it's been 3 days out here below Kojeara and she's spent nearly all of it decoding the data canister, well trying to anyways, I need to find another one real quick, I'm loving this...
Ok, 3 days out, several hundred scans completed, 2 earth likes found, a dozen ammonia world's, 21 water worlds, and 72 terraformable high metal planets, with a couple of rocky bodied terraformable's, its been a profitable few days for us, we gonna get paid. We are headed towards a point below Sagittarius A, the cats back on the dash blocking the view, still fat as, but i have found an easy way to get him down now, just fly straight towards a star, he gets down quick enough, works with hitchhiker's too, just ask Chaos.

Missy decoder has come out with a nice extra shot coffee and plants herself on my lap, "any luck?" I ask, "uhuh" meaning uhuh this time, "It's from the formdine rift, locked sector, no one allowed, we go see?" "umm... no one allowed you said" "uhuh... no one... we not no won, we are no  two, you and me, one and one is two yes?". I do like the way missy mayhem interprets, she's looking at me grinning, yeah... she not stupid. "do you have coordinates yet?", "not yet, take long time", Excellent, we gotta complete this mission first. She just leans back and sighs, I guess she is missy explorer for now.

Another 14 jumps yield an ammonia, a couple of water worlds, and half dozen terraformable's, nothing spectacular really. We are just about to jump to the next system when the wireless goes off, it's a whole lot of chatter going on, about the fuel shortage being over for the carriers, Missy explorer and I look at each other, orders are bound to arrive shortly, we are 1500 light years from the carrier, never heard anything did we. And we're jumping.... further away. another 20 jumps completed, nothing at all found, icy bodies only, this dry spells gotta end sometime soon, 21, nothing, 22, things change here, metal rich and high metals show up with a couple of ringed giants, nothing worth mapping but missy explorer wants to go see... so we do. I'm seeing a thumb here.... and I am squarely under it. Another hour gone, there was a metal rich here, 4.8 g's, missy land surveyor wanted to land, Destiny refused, so glad her AI is reinstalled. I'm not keen on another splat down right now aye. Next, now we are in a dwarf zone again and I'm not talking about those little humans, DA's DC's, DAV's, DAB's, DCV's, they all around here, what is it with those miniature humans anyways, are they like from a real high gravity planet or what... argh, I dunno. Finally, a system with something worth mapping, a single hm-tf, better than nothin I spose. Next, nothin again, I'm thinking I need a "thanks missy", coffee?. Keep forgetting about her ability to read my thoughts, gonna get me in trouble one day. "to late" she says as I receive a whap across the head.... frakin w%me&*h... ÖUCH"... yeup... frakin doomed... again. Next, more dwarfs and neutron's, then a G class, 69 bodies, 3 of em high metal terraformable's and another water world, got em all mapped, next up is a K class system. As soon as we jump in, missy  sits up, "Stop!" she says as she jumps up, flicks a switch on the dash and Destiny goes from a bright purple ship to a black ship. "There is peoples here" she say as her nose gets pressed against the canopy. "Look there" she says, I see where she's looking. Yep, there's a carrier there, I cant see it, It's light seconds away, Destiny can see it of coarse, but how the frak did missy know where it was? or that it was here in the first place? and what's with this changing colour thing? and why didn't you tell me?. "shhh,... to many answers asked, reflective special coating, color is light only, not real color. we stay, they not see us, we jump, they do so stay". we wait...after an hour the star passes between us and the carrier and we start moving so we can make a jump, not worried about heat signature as we already at 100 degrees being so close to the star and would take them to long to locate the high wake even if they did notice it somehow. No activity was detected apart constant active scanning coming from the carrier, they definitely looking for something or someone, we jump, next system is quiet, missy bloodhound settles back down after turning on the purple again, I ask why not leave it off to which she replies, "This color I like." Oh!
I find myself wondering why the carrier would be where it was, that system had no other bodies, it was a lone star, rather unusual for it to be parked there when missy detective tells me she remembers it from being in Kojeara and before that it was in the sol system when we were there so it appears we are being hunted. The question is why? she also reminded me about the work engineers look around destiny's cockpit "to good for what they doing" at Kojeara as mentioned in my log a couple of days ago. This does explain the 10 million credit paint job though, but for now, missy explorer is back now... in my lap again... yes, she does actually have her own seat, cant recall if she's ever used it though, glad she's small... not a dwarf though. I'm sure we both know what they are looking for, just don't want to say it, alarming or arming Destiny is not an option, her AI is too young. We have to avoid a fight, until its on our terms.

The next system proves to be profitable, 2 water world's and 2 hm-tf's, 8 million here, get them mapped and ready to go when I find out that I'm tired, I know this since missy explorer gets up and announces that I am going to the bunk now... to sleep. ah frak, "nope... not frak, sleep" she says as she drops back in to me seat and takes the controls and proceeds to completely ignore me.

Thought I would be cheeky and jump on her lap...

Frakin cat beat me to it.

see... doomed I am... frakin doomed
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︎2 Shiny!
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