Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 53

17 Aug 2020Excess Fire
Heh heh... she's havin a bad shift, 131 jumps completed with 863 fss scans, not a single map worthy body yet, I almost feel sorry for her, nah I don't, not even slightly, why? cause missy explorer is lovin it, seems like every rock she sees is a story to tell, every system, every star, every giant, planet and rock she has entered into her diary pad. I have told her that Destiny records everything but her response is that Destiny does not see what she sees and I am to "robot", that i see targets and money, that I am working but she is not, she is having fun, her way. How the frak can I argue with that, I have a shipmate that is the same out here, yeah I want the money, but have I become clinical about all this?... nah, I still enjoy it, I only want the money to get my own carrier and operate it without relying on others. There are those out here that think its a competition, who gets the biggest, or brightest, or the biggest payout for a scan, huh, I don't care, they don't have the thrill of setting an anaconda down on a 3.5g planet without a scratch, or travelling hundreds of km's in the srv just to catch the perfect sunrise or sunset, how many of them have flown through a solar flare and have photos to prove it? just look at my gallery if ya don't believe me, or this one missy explorer just took, a white dwarf with a class M in a binary orbit.so I guess I see what lil missy explorer is talkin about. The other thing which kinda makes me laugh is that when missy um... mayhem is in control of Destiny, it's they way she flies her, turning to the port side, she leans left, to starboard, she leans right, up, she looks up and down, well, she stands up and looks down over the dash, well tries to any ways... I ain't sayin shite, its quite fun to watch... I like the standing up bit most. Yep, need a... coffee now, "uhuh"... frakin mind reader. missy grins... "uhuh"

Since I started writing this log, missy's luck changed, quite a lot, in the last ten jumps she has been able to map seven water world's and 9 high metal terraformable's and log 16 metal rich landable bodies, After I make these coffees I might take over I'm thinking.

"Uh uh" she says shaking her head, "you have been going for 13 hours" I reply, "not tired, you go fix Destiny first, then we not stop"

"Um.. Ok, yes captain."
"Capitaan... I like... If you insist" she says grinning at me with a huge smile, "yea not today aye"

O frak... what have I created? "Destiny! what do ya need fixed old girl?"

and we're jumping... I'm doomed
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︎1 Shiny!
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