Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 55

20 Aug 2020Excess Fire
So Missy masseur is asleep, exhausted after the long day yesterday with repairs and piloting Destiny for over 13 hours, I had a break for a few hours, not much sleep gained though, now back into the long trip back to the carrier, well, not so much a long trip but since the average jump distance is only 12 light years this far down, there are 90 jumps to the next waypoint, if this shift is a good one, i will maybe get 40 done, if not, will get them all easily, funny huh, the better ya do, the slower ya are. This shifts not starting out to be such a good shift. now with 34 jumps to go, there has been only 2 mappable finds, 2 water worlds, nothing else at all, even the gas giants were boring. Hopefully we will be through this dead zone soon.
Down to 22 jumps remaining on this leg, things are looking better, got a good variety of maps completed, hm-tf's, rocky tf's which are rare out here, water worlds, ammonia worlds, and the volume of gassies is increasing as well. Jump range is now at a steady 10 light years.

The wireless goes off, wakes up missy snoozy, she's not used to the weekly routine yet, Its time to shut down and wait for the useless update, o geez, what to do now...
After 40 minutes, the wireless chatter starts again, the usual moans and complaints about the state of the bubble, who went broke, who made 10 creds, who lost 10 creds, fraks sake, what a bunch of whiners aye. Missy exhausted and I finish um..., tiding up the cockpit area, replot the course, then I get in my seat, then she gets in my seat, then the cat gets in my seat, well tries to any ways, we power up the engines, systems check, and we're gone... again
The first of now 36 5 light year jumps after the replot brings us to a f-class star, an empty system, next, the same, this goes on for 3 more, then we jump into a f-class which gives us a high metal terraformable, 2 water worlds, and an earth like world, not bad, not bad at all, and there's an icy ring in system with diamonds. Next, with 30 to go, is a g-class on its own, then a f-class and m-class on their own, then an a-class with 17 bodies of icy's, nothing here, next, 5 systems later brings a water world to be mapped, then another 2 jumps lands us with a water world and a couple of hm-tf's, a long trip this time but no hurry huh.
20 jumps to go on this leg, 19, 18, 17, 16, a black hole here, nothing to map but, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, a single hm-tf mapped here, 9, 8, 7, another water world here, 6, 5, now this looks interesting, what we have here is 6 high metal terraformable's and 2 water worlds, a system paying over fourteen million, certainly cant snort at that. The next system has an ammonia world, 3, 2, 1, nothing more.
Next leg brings us to the same level as Kojeara but a couple thousand light years away, plotted another 140 jumps and calling it a shift. 92 million creds made, cant complain at that.

"missy! is ya takin over?"


good night
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