Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 56

20 Aug 2020Excess Fire
First jump for Missy explorer just happens to be a black hole, ha!, it got her, but she got some cool photos, damage we didn't need right now but the bigger black holes are not so easy to avoid, even I get caught from time to time. Lilo D Catt is back on the dash, I have no idea how missy explorer see over him, but she never asks him to move. As i was settling in to the bunk I saw how she handled Destiny with entering another black hole jump, like an expert, while jumping up, grabbing her picture pod and grabbing a selfie with her and the cat in the canopy as the black hole passes over them, damn she good...

At that point, i was out, slept 13 hours, Destiny is supposed to wake me after 6 but missy timekeeper had something to do with that im sure. Destiny assures me that she would have woken me should the need arise. Clearly Destiny's trust in missy is growing, especially after her not so little test earlier on in this mission. The thing is... I can smell coffee, impossible, we ran out days ago, but before i can get up missy miracle walks in with a fresh cup of the most beautiful invention in this galaxy, perfectly brewed with a double shot of single malt whisky, the perfect way to kick start a shift. "dink now, read log after" she says, she's getting better with her words. "DRINK... leave me lone" "heh heh" ahh this is good.
Coffee gone, twice, each, I start going through the log file destiny generates, I see we diverted for 127 light years and met with another ship, a small freighter. Missy memory, recognized the voice of one of the conversationalists and when all went quiet on the wireless, contacted this lady which she knew was a trader based out of Colonia and they arranged to meet, which they did. A reasonable price was paid and we have supplies. "I careful, Destiny keep watch" she tells me, Destiny tell me signal came so we left, my friend tell me later who was signal" she went on to say the signal proved to be no one of concern, just another trader. Being local to Colonia, missy met this friend as a customer to her ex boss and her fathers bar and trusts her, says we can call on her for supplies away from the habited systems without concern, she supplies many this way. Yeah, I have heard these types, have deals to run supplies for all types including pirates so the pirates leave them alone, stations tend to leave them alone as well as its good business for them at no risk as long as they don't bring in illegal goods to often. Destiny returned to our original plotted course via a series back track hot jumps just in case we were being track but the was no indication that occurred, and we have coffee... and whiskey, hell, I was never gonna complain about that.
The rest of the logs show nothing more to grab my attention, an average shift out here and a decent boost to the carrier fund, anything over 20 million credits a shift is decent, she cleared 60 million credits, mapped 3 ammonia worlds, 7 water worlds, 18 high metal terraformable's and 2 rocky terraformable's, all within 60 jumps.

"not a bad shift huh, time for a break"

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