Logbook entry

Scouting mission day 57

22 Aug 2020Excess Fire
Morning/Evening all who bother to read my scribbles here, we are still on the return trip from the carrier to the lowest point straight down to the edge of the galaxy and back using minimum or economical jumps only. A few days ago when we got to the furthest point we could, which actually was the lowest possible anyways not matter what jump method could be used, including jumponium, I noted that we got 260 million credits and hoped the return would do better, well, we have beaten that amount by15 million with over a hundred jumps to go still. that carrier might be arriving sooner than I expected using this exploration for money system.
The system itself is dead easy, if exploring is your thing, you can do 20 - 30 jumps and get nothing of value on occasion, or you can get a run of jumps that pay 1 to 2 million at a time, the average a day missy explorer and i are getting is around 50 million, 10 mill an hour, plus photos, first discovered, bonuses, etc.

I have found that having everything except for L, T, and Y stars selected in the start class configuration selected works best here anyways, and using economical routes without the jet cone selected, and plot only 500 light years at a time, or of you plot 1000 light years refresh the plot every 100 jumps. I aim for 50 jumps a day at least. After the initial honk i don't slow down until the primary star is dead center at he bottom of the radar screen and has stopped shrinking in size, that way the fss is unlikely to but the orbit lines behind a star. using fss, is quick, scan the lower for usual frequencies, I skip metal rich, note High metals, ammonias, earth likes, and water worlds. if there are high metals only and they are on first or second tier, I do a fss for them and hopefully any that show up are terraformable's, if the high metals are orbiting a gas giant, they almost never terraformable, If there is one body of any form, I fss the entire system anyway, for the bonus, since im there already. Once the fss is complete, then its maps time, occasionally i find a rocky body moon off the high metal terraformable is also a terraformable.
Doing the map order for one or two, hell, just go there in order, if there is more than two, I use the system map/ orrery tab to create a planned route to preventing doubling back, saves a lot of time aye.

Stars that seem to um... put out.

White ones, A types in particular, Blue whites, not so much O and B stars
White Dwarfs, seem to be area specific
Neutrons, usually if there are more that 5 bodies, and area specific
Black holes, only occasionally
High mass stars, seem to be rare but I haven't run in to a lot of them
F and G seem to be more frequent than K and M stars
L, T, Y, and proto stars, hardly ever but sometimes, mainly water and ammonia worlds
Carbon stars have had hm-tf's occasionally
I have yet to find one on a wolf rayet star

The way I map

simple, Top, just under the miss, then bang on the three dots, then dead center mass, the bang on the three dots at the bottom for a 4 probe planet, for a six probe, the three dots each side but on the out side of the dots using the inner targeting circle,  7 and 8 probes, same on each side but I use the outer targeting circle. Over 8, well, that's rare on the money maker planets, I just evenly space em out per side

the process i use is selected the first closest planet to map, set it to supercruise and align the ship in the right direction, then i go and find if there are more to map, If there are, that when i plan the trip to the rest, same without supercruise but carefully

This is how I explore for money, only doing this to get a carrier, then its back to general exploring and that's a different story

todays trip, brought in a good haul, 2 earth likes, 11 water worlds, 17 high metal terraformable's and a rocky terraformable, over 60 million, not bad huh

hittin the bunk, goodnight
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