Logbook entry


05 Jan 2021Excess Fire
I awake, more voices, familiar voices this time, the room is lit, cleans, unfamiliar but not, clearly a medical bay but not that of a hospital, i see a ship id on the wall, X0X-B7V, I'm on the GBD Maerlyn's Rest, one of the Grey Beard Delta squadron carriers, a good one too, strong bar doors, hard to bust into, my blaster works well on them though. The commander, Cmdr Twin-Merlin, dunno if he's a twin or a merlin a little crazy, I once seen him jump an srv of a cliff on to a hovering ship just to see how far the ships shields would bounce him, a sudden flash an he was gone, seemed a bit frazzled later when i saw in in the bar, never did tell me how high he got, my hull touched nicely. I'm sure he's from earth aye, poor man
Rolling over I see missy mayhem talking to a doctor looking like he's gonna cry, she's a good girl she is aye, he see's me looking over and visibly looks relieved, guess he couldn't give her answers, yes, that's something I wouldn't mind either.

The doc, ships medic, as it turns out, comes over and mumbles something along the lines that I'm not human, I should be ok and up and about immediately, turns and walks out leaving missy standing there with a look of "o frak, what do i do now on her face" as she wanders over. "Coffee?" she asks, Stupid question that was. "come on then" the bars open, "here's all ya gear" as she slumps a pile on the bed beside me, everything was there as it was the day I was taken, even my blaster. I gear up and we head to the bar

The bars quiet, Missy makes us a couple of coffees and directs me to a table out of the way and proceeds to fill me in with the last four months happenings.

Back after the collision in the asteroid which all but destroyed Destiny as it turned out, the doctor who attended to me knew the bounty on me was a good one and felt the need to commit suicide by alerting the federation to my plight, that explains the fear i sensed as noted in the log on the 22nd august 3306, i am told his fear was justified on the 23rd August, the cat was retrieved from the location provided by the doctor on this day and shipped home, he has recovered nicely Missy tells me. After I was taken, Missy's father was arrested and locked up for the untimely death of several federation security personnel. Missy mayhem did not take kindly to this, purchased an army, with my credits mind you, and released him before they could transport him to a secure facility, I had, she tells me, simply vanished and it was a while before my credit account was able to produce a location of where i was being held, well not so much as a location as a federation owned carrier that was always on the move.
The extraction was easy according to Missy, when a location of where the carrier that held me was determined to jump to, paid pirates and mercenaries were to be there and attack it, Destiny was there to dock and provide delivery of repair and medical crews allowing her father to board, locate me and prep me for extraction through the hull. Destiny feigned being blown of the hull where she randomly maneuvered to the right spot, fired a series of small charges to blow a hole in the hull, I would be sucked out and she could retrieve me. Things did not go quite to plan, the guards were supposed to release me and leave me locked in the room with the note Missy's father had given one of them to give me and well, I sure as hell wasn't listening to them so when the wall blew out in to space, I was still attached making me harder to locate and space getting the better of me. What happened next was a bonus, I was only just loaded aboard Destiny, the the retreat order was sent to the attackers, how thoughtful Missy, Destiny's shields has just gone up when, as Missy puts it, the carrier just went boom, blown to smithereens, leaving no mass to lock Destiny allowing her to jump out instantly. Now everyone thinks she is gone with all hands as well.
From federation space to the Maerlyn's Rest was a quick trip as they were headed out on an exploration trip anyway and into the med bay where i have been up to now, 20 days, with no bounties on any of us... Free.

wonder how long that's gonna last

need another coffee Missy if ya don't mind, use a Glenfiddich this time will ya. It seems my scouting mission is finally over

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