Logbook entry

Circumnavigation - Greybeards Mission - Week 1

27 Jan 2021Excess Fire
25 Jan 3307 week one.

So, I'm sitting here having a Jack Daniel's flavored coffee minding my own business when the quiet is disturbed by my wireless alerting me to a message incoming, I am a little surprised, out here in The Void, sector BLU FLEAU NL-P D5-0 out on the outer edge of the galaxy where to go anywhere requires a jump range of near 150 lyrs per jump. I have fully recovered from the events of the past, Destiny has been fully overhauled, back to her normal self, and I am simply trying to go where no man has gone before, or other species. The carrier, Maerlyn's Rest is on the far side of the void while myself and it's capitaan are out here seeing what all the fuss about the void and its intense exploration of, is. That's who is bugging me on the wireless.

Mon capitaan has decided that he might circumnavigate the galaxy at its outer edge from the point he is at to the point he is at, which is an idea i am not opposed to, without stopping at any stations on route, which I am also um... not entirely opposed to, or carriers... gonna have to be careful on this trip huh. So I am now thinking about supplies for a trip this size, like i have no srv on board, mon capitaan is thinking not enough tea or toilet paper... must be a human thing, im ok, i got my bucket. Since i have Destiny configured for week trips with max distance to get out as far as i can, I have no shields, no srv, no amfu, etc.. so I need to make a mad dash to equip her for slightly longer trips... to the carrier... 4000ly away... and then back to where i started. after 2 hours 15 minutes solid jumping, I am back and heading to the north border on my way around to Beagle point.

For me the Mission starts now with the following stats.

Galaxy map mode, no systems excluded, not visited systems only
4,209 systems discovered first
Total hyperspace distance: 881,072.00 ly
Total hyperspace jumps: 6,452
Estimated scan value since last docking: 715,974,381 cr

and we're jumping... for how long?, only the gods know this.

Week 1, Day 1

So, I'm off to a good start, a few jumps in and a A class system provides a good reason to map the entire system, 3 water worlds, 1 ammonia world, and 3 high metal worlds that are terraformable's, so I mapped all 21 planets, took a while, but worth it. only 59 jumps to Outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm.
Quite a few B class systems out here, the journey continues, a few more terraformable high metal planets located, usually worth 1.5 mill each on average, no complaining goin on here, not much else for the rest of the day.

Week 1 , day 2

This is proving to be a profitable  day map wise, several high metal terraformable's some valued at over 1.8 million each, the odd water world and ammonia world located, pretty much only ordinary gas giants far and few between, jump length seem to average around the 60ly range, systems are not close together this far out 300+ below the galactic plane. Systems visited previously by others, extremely rare, in fact, so far, none down here. had a very good run of class a, b, and f's for a while, many paid well, seems like i am back into the orange stars now though and now I have just crossed the northern void border into the Outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm. time to hang around and see where the others are at.
Um... yeah, couldn't just hang around aye, gone for a nosey right out at the edge, was worth it, got a few good maps in before calling it a day

Week 1 , day 3

Cmdr TwinMerlin's on the wireless again, has let me know he's made it to the border and has plotted a course 7.5 k ly's north, time to head back in and do the same, plots from where i am wont work as i am to far out, gotta come in about 400 ly's first, was worth it though, mapped 4 high metal terraformable's, 2 water worlds and an earth like world, well worth it huh, now to plot north.
I decided to plot only distances of between 500 to 1000 light years in order to remain very close to the outer edge where the systems are further apart mostly from 50 to 75 ly's apart just to remain on the outer edge but also, hell, I'm not patient enough to wait for a 7500 ly plot, also set the jump distance back to economical, to cover the most planets on route as well. worked well, ran into a system that paid out almost 11 million according to edsm, Cmdr Merlin also picked up a 10 plus million system yesterday, its good fishing out here, that's for sure
almost closing time for me today, had a run of 13 system scan complete messages on honk in a row, just another bad patch, gonna get a few more jumps in and hit the bunk im thinking. few more jumps, nothing more seen of interest, 1 more jump and that's it, yep nothin, 1 more, still nothing, absolutely last jump, Ha. 2 water worlds and a terraformable, nice, now just one last... naaa

Week 1 , day 4

A new day, night, what ever, how the frak you ya know when you are out here, ahh whatever, anyhow, jumping again, first jump lands me in the middle of 3 start, very warm very quickly, escape was easy enough. this system had a few ringed gas giants which were cool to investigate but not much else, must keep moving onwards. apart from a few water worlds and hm tf's not a lot going on, until another earth like world popped up, gotta map that followed by more water worlds in the next system. Hmm, i notice Cmdr Merlin is 500ly ahead of me and not moving, suspect he in in his bunk for a sleep, I might sneak up and board his ship, need to pinch some toilet paper, im getting low and i heard he ordered a shipment, no way im paying for uber deliveries out here. the next 40 jumps produced a few high metal terraformable's, water worlds, and an ammonia world, pretty quiet though. Went out to the edge again for a nosey, and a sleep under the stars, all of them.

Week 1 , day 5

run of the mill day so far, mostly high metal terraformable's found, is ok, most worth 1.6 mill each, all adds up in the end. Just broke past my first billion in exploration data credits since leaving for the void 10 weeks ago, not bad, cant complain, checked out a few gas giants as well, there's fuel out here, always a bonus for the fleet carrier. Cmdr Merlin has taken the lead back while i was sleeping, 2000 lyr's ahead of me now, told him no need to wait, not in a hurry, that's not who we are, chill and see stuff, make a few bucks while we at it, just found a pair of ww's, better go check em out. Big ones they were, 8 probes required each, almost water giants. A few systems later I run into a system with 3 water worlds, 2 normal and 1 4 x the mass of earth, biggest i think I've seen so far. The jumps are getting smaller and the k class more frequent, adjusting course to go further where the jumps are bigger and the k class less frequent. K class seem to be far less worth while but not enough for me to exclude them. found a huge ammonia world, 24 earth masses, needed 10 probes, possibly the largest I have found yet

Week 1 , day 6

no jumps made

Week 1 , day 7

another run of the mill day, 2000 lyr completed, mostly hm-tf's mapped, more gas giants found today, one system of gas giants and many ringed high metal planets looked pretty cool, was a weird layout with the high metal going out pat 5000 ls, warm system, no icy planets at all. ran in to a few systems way out here that had been previously visited and fully scanned, unusual for the level i am on the galactic plane... or is it now, we shall see
getting quite a few single hm-tf's out here, then i run in to an a class system with 8 planets to be mapped, 7 high metals and a water world, nice boost.

The end of this first week has arrived, for exploration, it was worth it, for credits accumulation, also worth it, for anyone whos interested, this weeks stats are below, exploration is fun, i have hundreds of photos which serve as screen savers and digital photos.

Week 1 Totals

High Metal-Terraformable - 8,2,3,4,1,4,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,3,1,2,5,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,4,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,3,1,1,2,2,1,3,1,1,1,1,1,3,3,2,1,1,2,4,2,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,3,1,1,7,
Water World - 3,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,3,1,1,2,1,1,1,
Ammonia World - 1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,
Earth Like World - 1,1,
Rocky World - 1,1,

systems discovered first, now 4,509 (300)
Total hyperspace distance now: 897,954.00 (13,882 lyrs)
Straight line distance covered 9,887 lyrs
Total hyperspace jumps was: 6,452, now 6,792 (340)
High Metal-Terraformable - 130
Water World - 43
Ammonia World - 10
Earth Like World - 2
Rocky World - 2
Estimated scan value this week: 423,583,577 cr

End of week 1
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