Logbook entry

A New Life

15 Oct 2018Balfuset
God damn them.

This is what years of faithful service to the Empire gets me? My assets frozen. My ships taken. Hell, they even managed to erase my records from the Pilot's Federation database! It's like I don't even exist anymore. It took every last favour I had with my contacts outside the Empire to get me out before they decided I was too much trouble and threw me in a jail cell to rot for the rest of my life.

Asellus Primus is the last place I thought I'd find myself coming back to... but here I am. Back in an old Sidewinder that's just about fit to be called a starship. Luckily I was able to re-enlist with the Pilot's Federation, but it's like I'm starting my life over. For years I supported Princess Aisling's goals of modernising the Empire, bringing it into the 34rd Century and doing away wtiht eh corruption festering within its heart. Maybe that was what did it, ever since Arissa took the throne things have gone from bad to worse. Well screw them...

I'm in no position to take vengeance on the people who stripped me of everthing I was... but at least I have a ship, and the freedom to forge my own path once again. Not many people get that chance. Still, I should probably lay low for now, the Empire won't dare chase me down within Federation space, I don't think I'm worth starting a galactic war over.

I'll show them, they can't keep a stubborn bastard like me down for long. Reminds me of some words a good old friend of mine once told me...

"Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care cause I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me"

I am still free, and if I ever find who set me up... I will make them pay...
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