Logbook entry

A Return to Civilisation

30 Dec 2015Balfuset
Fortunately, my stint in the cramped confines of the Lakon Keelback was a short lived venture, however I feel a sense of pride for having down my part in the assistance of scientific advancement and the discovery of the fate of those souls lost with the Antares' disappearance. However, I will admit to feeling somewhat wistful for a larger vessel, seeing the various Pythons and Anacondas deploying their limpets to scour the wreckage sites. With the situation seemingly well in hand by other members of the Pilot's Federation, I set my sights back on my beloved Empire.

Some may claim that the Empire is corrupt, decadent and in some cases evil. I will not argue that I can see their point in some instances, if corruption were not a problem Emperor Arissa's campaigns against it within her territories. However, I shall save my thoughts on politics for another time, as I am certain that not everyone cares as deeply for the future of the Empire as I do.

Regardless, I said farewell to my re-fitted freighter and headed back to the Empire, to my home in the Chona system. It appears that Her Royal Highness' Angels are doing well for themselves on home turf. While I have my reservations about them refusing to fly the Imperial flag, their ideals are befitting Princess Duval's vision for a new, reformed Empire. I think it's high time I slipped back into a Gutamaya cockpit and started making my mark on the future of the Empire once again...
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