Logbook entry

Desgonias log: 002

29 Apr 2021Desgonia
Desgonia Logging in.

After several days of quiet patrols it would seem my patience has paid off. Last night around 22:00 hours IMCR terrorists were spotted in Lozin and Daibais. I will say this for them. They are slippery rats. Despite almost catching and destroying these thugs several times they always managed to escape. I hope last nights attempts do not drive these rats back into their hole. If i am lucky it will embolden them to at least come out from hiding and actually fight instead of run. One Pilot did fight but in the end ran like all the rest. Who knows if they do come out of hiding and we get a few kills of these terrorists Straylight Command will have enough evidence to turn over to the empire to have these thugs punished properly.

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