Cmdr Moses8uno
Scientist / Rescuer
Registered ship name
The Harbinger of TLE
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom COCS
Overall assets
Casualties of Corrupted Space
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

Journey of the Wayward Explorer: Hunt for Selenium

19 Jul 2020Moses8uno
Date: 19Jul20, 1634 UTC
Location: Somewhere near Betelgeuse
Current Tasking: Hunt for Selenium

“Pono, how long before we have finished our scan of this system?”

“Five minutes Cap’n. We had a couple possible hits on the scanner for Selenium, checking them now for signs of bio sites” he replies. “Aye, hit me over the general when finished or if you’ve found anything. Taking a walk to stretch out the legs” I reply as I get up and groan through a joint-popping stretch. “What, are you getting old” he smirks. I say nothing until I get to the Bridge door, at which I reply, “Who are you to be talking about old, your hairline looking like its running away from your eyebrows” then duck out before he can get a good reply.

I make my way down to the engineering section, find my friend and Chief Engineer, James, busy working on modifications to increase the heat efficiency of the power plant. I’ve told him so many times before to leave that to the professionals, but he swears he can outdo them. So far, he’s proven intuitive and I haven’t lost the Prevalent Gallivanter for any reason, especially heat. So I’ve given up trying to stop him.

“Hey James, what’s the theory today?” As he turns around and wipes his hand on the rags, I’m reminded of the first time we met, back in Lwali system at Narbeth Dock. He was tinkering with a Cobra Mk III, muttering something about heat diffusers with a new ceramic blend increasing the heat tolerance of the thrusters.

“Hey Moses, working the capacitors out, got an idea about how to reduce their flux in system.” "Anything to become better, huh” I comment in admiration. His drive is ridiculous. “Well, I don’t know if you noticed, but I’ve taken some of the heat coming off the power plant and rerouted it through the ship for general purpose heating. It reduces the power strain coming off the plant, which reduces the heat production. I’ve found a nice balance that increases heat efficiency on the power plant by 5% and reduces consumption by 3.2%.” “Why doesn’t everyone do the same?” “Because, it requires moving the radiation filters 10 meters down line and adjusting the bellows to compensate.” “See, I knew there was a reason I didn’t want to ask. But good work” I pat him on his shoulder with a smile. “Does that ‘good work’ come with a raise, Cap’n?” “How ‘bout, drinks on me tonight, at Club 55?” “Oh you’re on!”

I laugh to myself as I walk back forward. This crew really is the best, like, I wouldn’t trade a single individual out for the world. When I first commissioned the Prevalent Gallivanter, it was …

“Would an old, geriatric Cap’n please report to the bridge? He may need assistance.”

Ok, maybe I would trade just one….

As I arrive to the bridge, I get ambushed by my ace pilot, Suzanne. Now normally, most CMDRs wouldn’t keep a fighter on an exploration/expeditionary vessel. Most of the time, I agree with that. But, I live by the motto, ‘Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.’ What else you going to use to fish out an SRV stuck in a canyon? A Conda ain’t fitting down there. And this pilot has done it. Twice. I completely trust her as my fighter. Her hands aren’t only good at piloting though. She is our unofficial masseuse and I wouldn’t trust that job with anyone else.

“Cap’n, a moment of your time.” “Of course, what is it Suzanne?” “I request we power up the Fighter hangar and have it on 1 min ready status.” “Wait, what? Why? Is there an imminent attack?” “No sir, we are approximately 220 LY away from Thargoid infested space and I think; no, I request that we be at the ready.” “Suzanne” I say, visibly relieved we aren’t under imminent attack, “I appreciate your concern, but…” “Sir, they are cockroaches that require us as humanity to stamp them out! They will spread if we aren’t ready. We must always be ready!!” “Ok, ok Suzanne, I will have the fighter on standby. But I don’t think we are under imminent threat. Engineering…” “Aye Cap’n?” “Power up the fighter hangar. Actually, belay that. Power up all modules, bring us to the ready across the board. Let’s see how your efficiency is before I buy you those drinks.” “Aye, you’re on sir!!” I walk over to Pono and look over his shoulder at the results. He goes to hand me a magnifying glass to some laughs from bridge crew. I almost knock it out of his hands and then I’m like, “Where did you get one of …. You know what, never mind. I don’t even want to know why you have one. Nav, what’s our next system for investigation?” “51 B Orionis” she replies. “Alright, go ahead and prepare the FSD, hit it when ready.” “Aye, Cap’n, plotting course to 51 B Orionis.” “Pono, send a message to the Spirit of Lykos informing them of our status thus far and our intentions of moving forward in our search.” “Aye sir, would you like them to send a walker over as well?” “Pono….”

As we arrive in system; Cristina, our Nav, works with Pono on the system analysis. James works on the FSD cooldown with Dom, our resident mechanic. Suzanne has been feeling obligated to fill in duties as Second Mate while Robert, my actual Second, is on shore leave celebrating the birth of child number four. Which I’m not complaining about. She has an eye for detail and adheres to procedures without fail. Every thing as it should, same steps every time we enter a new system. For some, this would be boring. But these same steps are often the process by which new discoveries are made, new lands are….

“Cap’n??” with more than a little trepidation in her voice, Nav calls me over. “Yes Cristina, have we already found some Selenium bio sites? Should have known to put you on it over Pono, Mr. Jokester, can’t stay serious for….” “Sir, I have a distress beacon 10 Ls from the main star.” “What? Get us there. Now. Engineering, full power to engines. Bring shields up to 50%. All stations, make ready reports to me.”
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