Logbook entry

Xenobiology Studies: the thargoid/barnacle link

20 Oct 2018Pepper Mills
Hyades Sector AQ-Y D81:  Where to start? Firstly and formally, this was to be a simple exploration mission
scan and return with meta alloys. I had set the goal to travel 340 ly from my current base of operations in Deciat,  
thanks to some base information from another pilot I had a lead. for the first time I Arrived at a system with a purpose outside of the human expansion bubble. Deep space was for lack of expression, cold and dark with only the dim glow of a few Brown stars along my route to provide obstacle for my frame shift drive.  
A good forty jumps or so later the paint on my ship had become scorched, my husband and colleague Salt was below in the gunner's chair scanning the space ways for data interdiction along the way.
along the route we scanned an entire jewelry box system comprehensively finding over forty bodies to be studied in depth.
finally we arrived at the Hyades sector and were amazed at the triple binary system. we started scanning and studying the metallic worlds for any hints of a potential for meta alloys, initially we did not know what to expect
it was on the fourth planet of the third star I believe where we decided to cruise in for a close look...

Initially the planet was very dark and barren, void of all but trace elements of Ammonia.
from there we found ourselves being scanned by a group of wayfarers who were stumped as to our small ASP explorer suddenly showing up in their immediate location.  being a completely disarmed science vessel with an empty hold we were passed off as a boring plain Jane tug.

also something very strange to note.  there were various signal anomalies on the surface leading to nowhere...

Myself and husband in tow had successfully landed.. from there I sent Husband Salt to get some sleep in the bunk
while I performed the critical planetary exploration mission.
I was lost and dizzy from being away from the ship too long, I needed to radio back... the ship was a long ways away and I still had not found any indication of what I was looking for.

the ship arrived on site not long after I sent my coordinates, the tiny SRV squeezed in I persisted to circle the area.

suddenly I noticed a patch of terrain that was a glowing gaseous crater. I needed to land here and poke around.
on slow approach the barnacles revealed themselves to me in this spectacular snowflake shaped bloom.
I could only assume what was under the surface could be a single biological entity.

back out in the SRV... I rolled in close, studying the striations of the structure, looking for materials and doing careful examination of the structures and this was when I noticed Ring shaped Markings on the sides of the barnacles.
Evading the strange drone like craft gave me time to closely study the entity. study the patterns from the various different segments of biomass.
it was then that I realized that this was a thargoid site.
I was terrified, but eager to explore more. I had figured out the details of the Ring shaped markings and their position
the central node clearly stated the word "core" in it's own alien language, around it the nodes producing metal atleast to me read "refinery", or in some cases "heart, or battery"  from there I was careful as to gather samples of the metas I had been sent to collect. this was my first xenobiological encounter.
My immediate observations are open to speculation however I feel that the thargoids  are using these sites as a means to refuel and recharge. this behavior is similar to vampire ants...
a thargoid craft will stop above the core of the barnacle bloom. from there the thargoid contracts and an energy beam is projected from the core of the bloom upward into the craft. this to me seems like the craft over the barnacle site is refueling or recharging it's core energy by using the barnacles as a source to care for and also feed off of.
It is also my understanding that a thargoid may also be using this as a means to heal it's self from any potential damage it may have incurred while in combat.

On further examination of the Bloom I determined it's makeup to be a single super organism. hence the term bloom.
the super organism it's self draws off the heat produced below the surface of a planet as a means to sustain it's own energy while using acid concentrates to extract the deeper materials below the surface by chemical and thermal means.

More has yet to be studied to determine the inherent nature of newer blooms as opposed to older blooms.
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