Cmdr Skye Parkin
Mercenary / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II SK-18P
Overall assets
Galaxy Guardians

Logbook entry

The Anomaly

01 Sep 2022Skye Parkin
Since hearing about the Odd Anomaly that looks like a Thargoid Star or Mothership i desided to get my Squadron's commander and get them to move the Feet Carrier to head over to the System that the Anomaly was in and when i got there i couldn't believe my eyes part from it looking really bright and beautiful it also looks Freaky, Interesting and Fascinating at the same time.

i will be fallowing this bright Anomaly as it passes through space wondering what its doing and where its going doing and speed 5,800 times the speed of light while our ships can only go 2001 in super cruise ( speed of light )

like i said before Beautiful but freaky and fascinating

Current system : Oochorrs UF-J c11-0 will update when i know more.

some Pictures from 01/09/2022

For now i will keep an eye on this stary being

CMDR Skye Parkin
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