In Ryker's Hope
06 Sep 2020Pisodeuorrior
To be completely honest, I never found shockingly interesting stuff to look at in the Galactic Center.Sure the sky is astounding with its billions of stars, and if you fly a few hundred light years above or below the galactic plane it's all crowded with Neutron Stars and Black holes.
But near the very galactic center - in my own personal experience - the discoveries are less than exciting. Not very many water worlds, or strange planets, really.
This changes as you cross into Ryker's hope, where I took my time scanning everything I found. This slowed me down a bit (the DSSA Eleanor has some fuel waiting for me in the Abyss, and I don't want to miss it), but hey, explorers explore.
So, I found quite a few ammonia worlds on my way from the Galactic Center to the far end of Ryker's Hope, here's one.
Every jump or so I also came across at least a Water World, which seem to be in good supply in this area of space.
What's lacking in this trip are Earth Like Worlds. I think I might have found just two or three, and I've been out for about 140000 light years already.
I've discovered one in Ryker's Hope though, look at this beauty.
The best feature of Ryker's hope was Vanishing Inferno, a nebula heated by fiery red gases that I took some time exploring.
Quite unexpectedly, I even discovered an Ammonia World and a Water World that no one had come across before.
So all in all, despite the fact that I was flying in a straight line and not really actively looking for interesting systems as I ususally do, Ryker's Hope was quite an eventful area of space to cross, and I quite enjoyed it.
I am now right on the border with Izanami, just a hop from the Morphenniel Nebula, and then a 21000 uninterrupted light years stretch to the Abyss.