Logbook entry


02 Sep 2024Jav Marlo

After taking part on the task force that assaulted the Titan Taranis and utterly destroyed it, Jav Marlo and Ayumi are awaiting the collapse of the Thargoid Hive Ship.

02 MARCH 3310, Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6, Maelstrom Taranis

(Anxious breathing) This is Ayumi, recording a log for professor Palin… I hope it reaches you before I do.

We were hidden within the asteroid field for hours, waiting for the damn thing to collapse. Jav looked good. Not giving a hint of what was about to happen.

The Xenophon hidden on the asteroid field waiting for Taranis to collapse

Caustic fumes and explosions kept expelling from Taranis. But the superstructure was still holding together.

Explosions on the surface of Taranis

At some point there was a power surge coming from all the spikes on the surface of Taranis. And the Maelstrom filled with energy.

Power surges coming from Taranis spikes

A massive stream of energy rose from above of below Taranis creating a vortex around its central axis and tainting the Maelstrom in red.

Taranis generating a vortex of energy

I was mesmerized by the view, so it took me some time to notice that Jav had fainted and was bleeding from his eyes and ears.

A vortex of energy around Taranis

I saw Jav fainting once, it was right after the deployment of the Proteus Wave. Something related to the Guardian tech on his chest. Only this time looked much worse. So I unbelted myself and run to help him. Big mistake. That was when Taranis exploded.

Taranis exploding

The massive shockwave hit the Xenophon and I was thrown to the back of the cockpit

The Taranis explosion shockwave

The Xenophon shields held, and we were thrown light seconds away in an instant. I guess my Remlock suit somehow kept me from tearing apart.

The Taranis explosion

I fainted too as the Xenophon flew backwards pushed by the shockwave faster and farther that I could ever imagined possible.

The Xenophon pushed back by the shockwave

When I recovered conscious I saw a massive explosion, the size of a small moon, coming from the place where was the Maelstrom.

The Taranis final explosion

I realized that the shockwave that pushed us away had indeed saved us. There was no way we could have survive that explosion.

The end of Taranis

Thousands of particles were expelled into the system as the explosion dissipated.

The Taranis explosion dissipating

I run to Jav. He was convulsing on his chair. I looked out and a massive cloud, much bigger than the original Maelstrom, was around what I guess were the remains of Taranis that were lighting like a tiny sun.

The cloud created by the Taranis explosion

(Anxious breathing) I have stabilized Jav in the sickbay, but his vital signs are very low. I am heading towards Arque and Abel Laboratory as fast as I can; if you receive this transmission before we arrive, please be ready to receive us.

Ayumi out.
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