Cmdr Veladarius
Trader / Freelancer
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Elite V
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Imperial Cutter DAOKO
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Logbook entry

Pristine System Log - LTT 3928 - Detailed Survey Underway- 16jan05

15 Jan 2019Veladarius
Located and mapped the LTT 3928 system which is not too far away from the system I am currently working out of. There are several ringed gas giants with mineral, metal rich and ice rings but only one had a concentration of any materials of note. There are a number of moons that are capable of being landed upon, many of which have high mineral content. I will be exploring a few to see what sort of concentrations of materials (outcrops or mainly smaller mineral concentrations). Only two of the three planets here have moons, one with rocky moons and the other icy moons.

Currently I am checking the rocky moons as they have higher concentrations of minerals that are of more use and haver rarer minerals as well. Will update once my initial surveys are completed.

Report from moon 2B - 16 Jan 05:
Coloration of the moon surface is a light gray with craters having a rather dark gray bottom. There are large winding chasms (can easily fly a ship down through many of them) and most have a light tan floor.

Site 1:
Initial landing site was within one of the chasms as it was fairly large and deep. The chasm floor was mainly very rough with some areas that were relatively flat so landing a ship here isn't too difficult. Driving around in the SRV definitely tests your skills with the thrusters. Found a mix of outcrops and smaller mineral deposits but nothing in great quantity. Moving to another location.

Site 2:
Second site is a large crater with a dark gray floor but seem to be fairly flat. Mineral deposits were about average in that if you didn't have a reading for any you could pick a direction and go a short distance and would pick up a deposit on the scanner.

Report from Rings of the planets
Planet #2: A Ring - Metal Rich
This is just an initial report on but I found Painite on a number of asteroids including an asteroid core. I did not have enough limpets to do a full mining run which would give me a better idea as to how common this and other metals are. Unfortunately my mineral supply is low so the amount of limpets I could synthesize was minimal and I did not bring any (poor planning on my part).

Planet #3: A Ring - Metal Rich    B Ring - Icy
No detailed survey yet

Planet #4: - A Ring - Icy
No detailed survey yet
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